After InstallValidate should definitely work for a major upgrade.  If
that 2.4 version is not installed then you may have that MSI bug,
especially if the file is in the GAC or SxS  and see if a repair restores
the file.

Anyway, take a verbose log and search for the file name and its
component id. There are more routine possible issues, such as the
component id being inadvertently shared with something, and hopefully
the Dll is marked as key path.
Phil Wilson

On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 3:39 AM, Klaus Gütter <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have the following situation: MyProduct version 1.1 uses ThirdPartyDll 
> version 2.5. For MyProduct version 1.2 we had to go back to ThirdPartyDll 
> version 2.4.
> Is it possible to use an Major Upgrade in this situation? I had no luck with 
> this up to now:
> - when scheduled afterInstallExecute, ThirdPartyDll version 2.5 is not 
> overwritten (as expected by the Installer rules)
> - when scheduled afterInstallValidate, ThirdPartyDll version 2.5 is removed, 
> but version 2.4 is not installed.
> If it matters: the MyProduct 1.1 setup was created with WiX 3.8, version 1.2 
> with WiX 3.9.
> Klaus Gütter
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