
I have the following situation: MyProduct version 1.1 uses ThirdPartyDll 
version 2.5. For MyProduct version 1.2 we had to go back to ThirdPartyDll 
version 2.4.

Is it possible to use an Major Upgrade in this situation? I had no luck with 
this up to now:
- when scheduled afterInstallExecute, ThirdPartyDll version 2.5 is not 
overwritten (as expected by the Installer rules)
- when scheduled afterInstallValidate, ThirdPartyDll version 2.5 is removed, 
but version 2.4 is not installed.

If it matters: the MyProduct 1.1 setup was created with WiX 3.8, version 1.2 
with WiX 3.9.

Klaus Gütter

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