When you do that through the UI Windows will add the "log on as a service"
right to the account. It will not do that during the MSI install. You'll
need to make sure that account has the right before the install.

Phil Wilson

On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 9:38 AM, Swaroop Kare

> Hi,
>     I am trying to install a service as below
>     <ComponentGroup Id="TASKSERVICE" Directory="TASKS">
>                         <Component Id="TaskMgr"
> Guid="{C66AA6D7-774C-4E4F-A2D1-611B45E540D2}" Permanent="no">
>                                     <File Id="TaskMgr"
> Source="$(var.SOURCELOCATION)\TaskMgr.Exe"  KeyPath="yes" />
>                                     <ServiceInstall Id="TaskService"
> Arguments="$(var.SERVICEPARAMETER)" Start="auto" Type="ownProcess"
> Vital="yes"    Name="Task Service"    DisplayName="Task Service"
> Description="$(var.TaskServiceDescription)"  Account="domain\user"
> Password="abcd" ErrorControl="ignore"  Interactive="no" />
>                                     <ServiceConfig Id="TaskService"
> DelayedAutoStart="no" OnInstall="yes" ServiceName=" Task Service"
> ServiceSid="unrestricted"/>
>                                     <ServiceControl Id="TaskService"
> Stop="both"  Remove="uninstall"    Name="Task Service"    Wait="yes" />
>                         </Component>
> </ComponentGroup>
>     After the installation is complete when I go to services and try to
> start the services, I get the error "Error 1069: The service did not
> start due to a logon  failure". And when I only re-enter the same
> password (as sent in wix) and apply I get an acknowledgement message
> "The account domain\user has been granted the Log on as a service
> right". And then if I try to start the service, it gets started.
>    I have checked the msi and the password that is present in the
> serviceInstall table is correct and I think that the password sent to
> windows service during install is incorrect. I am using Wix 3.7 and
> doing an msi build in 64 bit machine.
> Thanks
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