As far as I am aware, it is not possible/supported to install 32 bit components 
in a 64 bit MSI.  There are unsupported hacks out there, but they would fail 
ICE validation and wouldn't be Logo certified.

If you already have a 64 bit and 32bit MSI, and the 64 bit MSI installs only 
64bit components, then it would be near trivial to setup a Bundle to do the 
registry searches you previously wanted to do in a MSI and conditionally 
install either the 32 bit or 64 bit MSI on a 64 bit machine.  In addition, this 
same bundle can be deployed to a 32 bit machine.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Hawes [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 9:58 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Java Program Installer

My understanding is that a 64bit installer can install 32bit binaries? I am 
using this just for 64bit systems. I am already building a separate 32bit 
installer for 32bit systems (which only needs to test for JRE version). The 
problem I describe below is a 64bit installer which must determine which JRE is 
installed on the system, since it is possible to install both a 32bit JRE and a 
64bit JRE. If I need separate installer for this, then forget it. It will just 
have to fail if it doesn't find the 64bit JRE.

Hoover, Jacob writes:

> You need 2 MSI packages, one for the 64 bit components and one for the x86 
> components. You can utilize burn to do the bitness of the OS test and then 
> decide which installer to invoke.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tim Hawes []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 8:38 AM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: [WiX-users] Java Program Installer
> I have a product that will use a 64bit installer. It uses an exe wrapper for 
> the jar files so that the programs can be entered as Windows services and the 
> config programs can run from the Start menu. The wrapper requires different 
> binaries for the type of JVM installed, 32bit executables for runnning the 
> jars under a 32bit JVM, and 64bit executables for running the same jars under 
> a 64bit JVM.
> The requirements for the 64bit installer is to detect which JVM is installed. 
> If it finds the 64bit JRE, it stops there and installs the 64bit exe's (and 
> the associated jar files) under ProgramFiles64Folder, upon failing that, it 
> should search for the 32bit JRE, and then install the 32bit exe's (and 
> associated jar files) under ProgramFilesFolder.
> Here is the WiX snippet I have:
>     <Property Id="JRE64">
>       <RegistrySearch Id="J64REVER" Type="raw"
>         Root="HKLM" Key="Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime 
>         Environment\CurrentVersion" Name="JavaVersion" />
>     </Property>
>     <Property Id="JRE32">
>       <RegistrySearch Id="J32REVER" Type="raw"
>         Root="HKLM" Key="Wow6432Node\JavaSoft\Java Runtime 
>         Environment\CurrentVersion" Name="JavaVersion" />
>     </Property>
>     <Condition Message="This application requires Java Version 7 
>     or higher">
>       <![CDATA[ (Installed OR JRE32 OR JRE64) AND JRE32 < "1.7" 
>       AND JRE64 < "1.7"  ]]>
>     </Condition>
> I don't think my condition is right. What I want it to say, in pseudo code, 
> is:
> IF (
>       (NOT JRE32 OR JRE32 < "1.7")
>      AND
>       (NOT JRE64 OR JRE64 < "1.7")
>    )
> THEN stop install with the message.
> Since it is possible to have both an 32bit JRE and 64bit JRE installed on a 
> 64bit system, it is important to check for both, but default to the 64bit JRE 
> if it is up-to-date and available.
> Thanks!
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