The codepage for UK systems is 1252, like most (all?) of Western Europe.
The locale for the UK is 2057, not 1033. 
The date format here is dd/mm/yyyy rather than mm/dd/yyyy. 
The timezone is GMT/British Summer Time.
The language code for UK English is en-gb.

Most of what the other 2 posters have said is correct. There is plenty of
software localised into UK English - notably educational software but also
games, open source, embedded and business software as well as the websites of
multinational companies. It's more common to see localised documentation than
software however.

Most software isn't localised from US to UK English because of the cost and
the fact that English speakers all over the world can generally understand
each others' dialects without difficulty as long as you don't use slang.

As far as installers are concerned, there isn't that much to change. There
will be spelling differences but unless your software has a cultural theme,
the terms will be the same as a US version - much the same as if you were
producing a localised Texan version ;)

It is certainly possible and it's easier to move between dialects than
between languages. It's unlikely you'll have any noticeable cultural
differences to deal with in an installer. However it's not really necessary
to localise it at all unless your customer really wants to spend the time and

Pete & Dave - Brits at a localisation company.

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Painter [] 
Sent: 20 December 2011 19:34
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] UK Localization

I have a customer who has asked that I create a UK English localization for 
an existing installer.  I have a very high level / broad question that I'm 
hoping can be answered by somebody from the other side of the pond.

First, let me apologize in advance if I misuse or otherwise unintentional 
insult anyone by making incorrect references to political subdivisions of 
the UK.   Now is the chance to enlighten me. :-)

I guess the first place to start is by asking what are the cultural 
expectations in the UK with respect to localized installers?  I see that 
neither InstallShield or WiX have built-in support for English languages 
other then en-US/1033/0x409. Is it common practice for products to be 
localized or is it very rare?   Someone on my twitter feed commented that 
Win7 installations in the UK still have a codepage of 1033.  Is that 

The simple question is:  Is it possible and should it be done?

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