Are you explicitly doing any impersonation of the logon user in custom actions yourself?
If you are obtaining logon credentials from the user (via dialog or command line) I would implement a custom action to validate those credentials before you make any system changes and prevent the install from proceeding until you have valid credentials. I would also recommend checking that the account has the ServiceLogonRight policy set so to ensure it can be used to run services. -Mike -- View this message in context: Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Special Offer-- Download ArcSight Logger for FREE (a $49 USD value)! Finally, a world-class log management solution at an even better price-free! Download using promo code Free_Logger_4_Dev2Dev. Offer expires February 28th, so secure your free ArcSight Logger TODAY! _______________________________________________ WiX-users mailing list