Mark the CustomAction/@HiddenTarget="yes".

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 2:54 PM, Gocek, Gary <> wrote:

> We're using the WIX 3.0 setup.exe bootstrapper stub as our bootstrapper
> stub, even though we're otherwise using WIX 3.5. This is because the stub
> was removed from WIX 3.5 (I don't know why). And burn isn't ready.
> In any case, to make a long story short, we got the boostrapper build
> working and our installers are now EXEs (not MSIs).
> However, the bootstrapper automatically generates an MSI verbose log file
> in
> the user's temp folder. That's nice, except that we have some session
> properties that are passwords and don't want the values to be logged.
> Make them "hidden", you say? Well, we have a deferred custom action and the
> values are passed in via the CustomActionData name/value pair object. So,
> it's not the original properties that are being logged.
> The trick was to provide this command in the WIX script:
> <Property Id="RunExecuteSequence" Hidden="yes" Secure="no" />
> Then, the verbose log shows something like:
> MSI (s) (5C!30) [15:04:57:244]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding RunExecuteSequence
> property. Its value is '**********'.
> If the property is not hidden, the names and values are shown in the clear.
> If the property is secure, that's an error because only public properties
> can be secure, and those lower case letters make this a non-public
> property.
> Just thought you'd like to know to watch for the log file, and the
> sensitive
> data that might be in it, and how to hide the sensitive data. I didn't find
> this documented elsewhere.
> Gary
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