If you read my reply you'll see I never mentioned "user accounts"
anywhere. My questions was "Why are you storing user specific data under
the installation directory instead of somewhere like My Documents or
CommonAppData as per Microsoft's platform guidelines?".

Palbinder Sandher 
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-----Original Message-----
From: Elfe Xu [mailto:elf...@microsoft.com] 
Sent: 23 July 2010 04:34
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] The DirProperty in RemoveFile table must be a
property name in Directory table?

The folder hierarchy is just a example. My application has nothing to do
with user accounts.

Thanks for the suggestion of using wix-contrib. At first I read the code
and thought it was easy for me to translate it to a C# version CA. 
Anyway, I add version.lib to the projects, and get wix-contrib build
successfuly. However, when I use it in my project, it seems does not
work (still due to the version issue).

In my code, I have

And for the folders I want to delete completely, 
      <Directory Id="dirA51B01A2E638149A2E0381A7B1B1FA0A" Name="Foo">
        <Component Id="cmpC736EC12CD6A4FF8C43A5AB7005B0C22"
Guid="{B6E6C8AF-EC5D-4A0C-B718-0B6823632C92}" KeyPath="yes">
          <CreateFolder />
          <contri:RemoveFolderEx On="uninstall" />

The log is:
Action 11:29:04: RemoveFoldersEx. 
Action start 11:29:04: RemoveFoldersEx.
RemoveFoldersEx:  Error 0x80070715: Failed to get file version of custom
action dll CustomAction RemoveFoldersEx returned actual error code 1603
but will be translated to success due to continue marking Action ended
11:29:04: RemoveFoldersEx. Return value 1.

Any idea about the failure?


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