Check the archives for more information, I asked a similar question
sometime last year. I can't find the exact thread, but ended up being
convinced to make the change. I did however find a list of pointers
from Rob around localization - changing the PackageCode was important
enough to be item 0 ;)

> 0.  *Every* MSI should have a different PackageCode.  Even two builds of
> the same MSI.


On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:28 AM, Pratapa Reddy Sanaga
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was going through an example for localization and came across this MSDN
> page It says that we must
> change the productCode for every localized package. Is this a necessary
> condition or just a good practice? I'm planning to create MSIs for different
> languages, create transforms with english as base package, embed these
> transforms into the base package and have a bootstrapper that would apply
> the right transform and install the package. So, for this scenario, do I
> need to create different ProductCodes for different language MSIs?
> If I have the same product code for all the language MSIs and tomorrow if I
> find a localization bug in one language, will there be any implications in
> this servicing process because of the same productCode used in the first
> place?
> Thanks,
> Pratap.
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