Depends on your servicing strategy. Keeping the same ProductCode for two
different languages can compound small update component rule upgrade
violations if packages from two different languages were ever to be applied
to the same computer, and considering that you can change a computer's
language somewhat easily (depending on the version/edition) that is a very
real scenario. In addition, if your language implementation is MUI-based or
MUI-like in any way (such that the per-language files could conceivably be
laid down simultaneously [side-by-side]) then by having different
ProductCodes you could install the same version "on top of" another
language. Even if you can't have multiple languages simultaneously
installed, for the cost of a single ICE warning you can have your upgrade
table remove the previous language when you "update" it with a new one of
the same version.

Besides, transforms can legally change the ProductCode, so that's not a
reason to use different product codes for the different languages. And when
you upgrade, all the previous languages will be removed (I'm assuming you
are keeping the UpgradeCode the same for all languages and all versions) so
you won't have any cross-version installation issues (as long as you also
prevent downgrades).

You are likely to have fewer headaches if you follow that advice and have
differing ProductCodes.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pratapa Reddy Sanaga [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 9:28 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] Localization - ProductCode property


I was going through an example for localization and came across this MSDN
page It says that we must
change the productCode for every localized package. Is this a necessary
condition or just a good practice? I'm planning to create MSIs for different
languages, create transforms with english as base package, embed these
transforms into the base package and have a bootstrapper that would apply
the right transform and install the package. So, for this scenario, do I
need to create different ProductCodes for different language MSIs?

If I have the same product code for all the language MSIs and tomorrow if I
find a localization bug in one language, will there be any implications in
this servicing process because of the same productCode used in the first


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