> I assure you, all of us were beginners once.<g> And, of course,
> learning
> WiX is almost trivial; it's MSI that's hard.

That's not true in one point: WiX comes with lots of stuff that has
nothing to do with MSI. See the extensions. Maybe somebody write a
brilliant custom task that does what we need, but he did not contribute
it but just put it somewhere in some foreign place. How should we learn
about that without asking? And where to ask if not here? I mean, we did
*not* ask "How to solve that with 100% pure MSI?". We described just our
problem: We want to have a DirectoryScan run only once. but we do not
want to write it completely from scratch. It is a valid solution (and
what we hoped to find) that someone says: "Guys, download this five VB
lines from my personal web site!" or "Guys, there is a bug in the docs,
you can add a constraint to prevent this". Both obviously cannot be
learned without asking the question as simple as we did. Everything else
would constrain in a way that we don't want to constrain.

> Sadly, it's becoming more common: Even theoretically smart people who
> understand foundations want to put some work like setup in the "it
> shouldn't be hard, so therefore it isn't hard" bucket and avoid
> planning
> it or even considering it might require some engineering effort.

On the other hand, as a project manager, I'd love it more if people get
solutions quickly by asking others instead of spending weeks with trying
things others already proven to be impossible or inefficient. Ain't it
part of the idea of a forum to share experience? Won't you like to just
download a sample code from us when starting with a technology we have
lots of experience with and you have not, just to reduce time to
understand Chapter X from one week to five minutes? At least my managing
director will kick my ass if he learns that my coders are spending time
with weird experiments if there is someone out there having the answer
in the pocket, but we just didn't dare to ask because we want to prevent
senseless discussion like this one...


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