On 4/9/2010 9:51 AM, Pally Sandher wrote:
> Everyone on this list with the exception of Rob M, Bob A&  the rest of
> the core WiX dev team was a beginner with WiX at one time.

I assure you, all of us were beginners once.<g> And, of course, learning 
WiX is almost trivial; it's MSI that's hard.

> things for ourselves by creating installers&  testing them. As I've said
> before on this list would you try to build executables&  DLL's in C++
> without having any knowledge of CRT/ATL/MFC/.NET (delete where
> appropriate)?

Sadly, it's becoming more common: Even theoretically smart people who 
understand foundations want to put some work like setup in the "it 
shouldn't be hard, so therefore it isn't hard" bucket and avoid planning 
it or even considering it might require some engineering effort.


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