Hi all,

I install along with my application:
1) a service that starts and stops my application as needed
2) a conf file that contains actually the user data and that will be 
shown to the user to modify as needed (I give the user the chance to 
change it by running notepad.exe with my conf file during installing)

The problem is that in my code the service I install starts _before_ the 
user had the chance to modify the conf file. What I would like is:
1) first the user gets the chance to change the conf file (run 
notepad.exe with the conf file)
2) only afterward start the service

<Component Id="MyService.exe" Guid="GUID">
<File Id="MyService.exe" Source="MyService.exe" Name="MyService.exe" 
KeyPath="yes" Checksum="yes" />
<ServiceInstall Id='ServiceInstall' DisplayName='MyService' 
Name='MyService' ErrorControl='normal' Start='auto' Type='ownProcess' 
<ServiceControl Id='ServiceControl' Name='MyService' Start='install' 
Stop='both' Remove='uninstall'/>

<Component Id="my.conf" Guid="" NeverOverwrite="yes">
<File Id="my.cfg" Source="my.cfg_template" Name="my.cfg" KeyPath="yes" />


<Property Id="NOTEPAD">Notepad.exe</Property>
<CustomAction Id="LaunchConfFile" Property="NOTEPAD" 
ExeCommand="[INSTALLDIR]my.cfg" Return="ignore" Impersonate="no" 
<!--Run only on installs-->
<Custom Action='LaunchConfFile' Before='InstallFinalize'>(NOT Installed) 

What am I doing wrong in the above code and how could I change it in 
order to achieve what I need? (first run notepad with my conf file and 
then start the service).


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