Hi all,

I asked this question as part of another thread and then just noticed 
that it was not the right place as that thread was basically about smth 
else, so I'll ask this in a new thread here.

I would like a specific file, that it's NOT installed by the installer, 
but later created by the user, to be deleted only on uninstalls - not 
upgrades, not repairs or modifies. What condition should I use? Is (NOT 
UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE) enough or should I also combine it with REMOVE="ALL"?

<Component Id="MyRemoveConfFile" Guid="GUID">
<RemoveFile Id="MyRemoveConf" Name="*myapp.conf" On="uninstall"/>

Is this enough (having On="uninstall" and (NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE))? 
Or the conditioning should be more extensive taking in account that it 
should happen only on real uninstall (not installs, not upgrades, not 
repairs or modifies)?


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