Among the reasons that it's not recommended to use installer classes and InstallUtilLib is the one you're having. It's a black box Microsoft Dll that doesn't report errors very well.
All I can recommend right now is that you look at your MSI file with Orca, and compare the custom actions and sequencing with the Visual Studio versions. Phil Wilson -----Original Message----- From: Rajendra Magar [] Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:18 PM To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.' Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Problem installing a .NET installer-based service using InstallUtilLib.dll I tried with the conditions as shown below but I still get the same error 2869, although uninstall is no longer happening during install as you pointed out. <Custom Action="NewId_UnInstallServiceSetProp" After="MsiUnpublishAssemblies">$NewId_NetworkClient.exe=2</Custom> <Custom Action="NewId_UnInstallService" After="NewId_UnInstallServiceSetProp">$NewId_NetworkClient.exe=2</Custom> <Custom Action="NewId_InstallServiceSetProp" After="StartServices">$NewId_NetworkClient.exe>2</Custom> <Custom Action="NewId_InstallService" After="NewId_InstallServiceSetProp">$NewId_NetworkClient.exe>2</Custom> <Custom Action="NewId_RollbackServiceSetProp" After="NewId_InstallService">$NewId_NetworkClient.exe>2</Custom> <Custom Action="NewId_RollbackService" After="NewId_RollbackServiceSetProp">$NewId_NetworkClient.exe>2</Custom> <Custom Action="NewId_CommitServiceSetProp" After="NewId_RollbackService">$NewId_NetworkClient.exe>2</Custom> <Custom Action="NewId_CommitService" After="NewId_CommitServiceSetProp">$NewId_NetworkClient.exe>2</Custom> The rest of the WiX source is unaltered. Could you shed some light on what these conditions mean exactly? I was merely imitating from this link :( I am also attaching the verbose logs again. Thank you, Raz -----Original Message----- From: Rajendra Magar [] Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 4:44 PM To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.' Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Problem installing a .NET installer-based service using InstallUtilLib.dll Arun and Phil, Thank you but I am stuck with a .NET installer class which does much more than just install the service so I did not use ServiceInstall and ServiceControl. Besides ServiceInstall doesn't seem to obey the service parameters set by the installer class. For example, the .NET installer class I have sets the service account to NetworkService and if I want to use NetworkService account to run the installed service using ServiceInstall I have to specify Account="NT Authority\Network Service", which I have been warned in several forums may not always work for all Windows platforms. Please let me know if you are aware of a good documentation on what Account value to use that will work on all target machines. Phil, thank you for the "condition" hint. The link I pasted below ( had conditions around the custom actions. I am afraid I seemed to have ignored them since I didn't understand what they were exactly. I will try with those conditions and provide an update. Sincerely, Raz -----Original Message----- From: Wilson, Phil [] Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 4:20 PM To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Problem installing a .NET installer-based service using InstallUtilLib.dll It seems to me that you are calling your custom action to uninstall the service *on an install* because you haven't got a condition on it. That looks like your first point of failure. Curious why don't you have a choice about doing it the "proper" way as Arun described....... Phil Wilson -----Original Message----- From: Rajendra Magar [] Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 12:22 PM To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.' Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Problem installing a .NET installer-based service using InstallUtilLib.dll Two of my attachments got clobbered on the way, so I am copy+pasting them here. (1) ServiceInstaller.wxs <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Wix xmlns=""> <Product Id="*" Name="product name" Language="1033" Version="" Manufacturer="manufacturer name" UpgradeCode="{C14D63B3-E9F0-45cf-A86E-B609E48CC642}"> <Package Id="*" InstallerVersion="300" Compressed="yes" /> <!-- Allow only an administrator to install on the target machine --> <Condition Message="You need to be an administrator to install Network Client on this machine"> Privileged </Condition> <!-- Check for .NET 2.0 or higher --> <Condition Message="Network Client requires .NET Framework 2.0 or higher"> Installed OR <![CDATA[MsiNetAssemblySupport >= "2.0.50727"]]> </Condition> <Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes" /> <UI> <UIRef Id="WixUI_FeatureTree"/> <UIRef Id="WixUI_ErrorProgressText"/> </UI> <!-- Define installation directory structure --> <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir"> <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder"> <Directory Id="NewId_Company" Name="Company"> <Directory Id="NewId_Product" Name="Product"> <Directory Id="NewId_NC_InstallLocation" Name="bin" /> </Directory> </Directory> </Directory> </Directory> <DirectoryRef Id="NewId_NC_InstallLocation"> <Component Id="NewId_NetworkClient.exe" Guid="{211B0BD3-ECB8-4fcb-9006-D8B33E1C092E}"> <File Id="NewId_NetworkClient.exe" KeyPath="yes" DiskId="1" Source="$(var.NFAQ.NetworkClient.TargetDir)\NetworkClient.exe" /> </Component> <Component Id="NewId_IUConfig.xml" Guid="{5B70C6EE-D3C9-46b4-B23E-1738E481631E}"> <File Id="NewId_IUConfig.xml" KeyPath="yes" DiskId="1" Source="IUConfig.xml" /> </Component> </DirectoryRef> <Feature Id="NewId_NetworkClientFeature" Title="Network Client" Level="1" AllowAdvertise="yes"> <ComponentRef Id="NewId_NetworkClient.exe"/> <ComponentRef Id="NewId_IUConfig.xml"/> </Feature> <!-- Install/Uninstall/Commit/Rollback Network Client Master Service --> <Binary Id="NewId_InstallUtil" SourceFile="C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\InstallUtilLib.dll" /> <CustomAction Id="NewId_InstallServiceSetProp" Property="NewId_InstallService" Value="/installtype=notransaction /action=install /LogFile= "[#NewId_NetworkClient.exe]" "[NewId_NC_InstallLocation]IUConfig.xml""/> <CustomAction Id="NewId_InstallService" BinaryKey="NewId_InstallUtil" DllEntry="ManagedInstall" Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no"/> <CustomAction Id="NewId_UnInstallServiceSetProp" Property="NewId_UnInstallService" Value="/installtype=notransaction /action=uninstall /LogFile= "[#NewId_NetworkClient.exe]" "[NewId_NC_InstallLocation]IUConfig.xml""/> <CustomAction Id="NewId_UnInstallService" BinaryKey="NewId_InstallUtil" DllEntry="ManagedInstall" Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no"/> <CustomAction Id="NewId_CommitServiceSetProp" Property="NewId_CommitService" Value="/installtype=notransaction /action=commit /LogFile= "[#NewId_NetworkClient.exe]" "[NewId_NC_InstallLocation]IUConfig.xml""/> <CustomAction Id="NewId_CommitService" BinaryKey="NewId_InstallUtil" DllEntry="ManagedInstall" Execute="commit"/> <CustomAction Id="NewId_RollbackServiceSetProp" Property="NewId_RollbackService" Value="/installtype=notransaction /action=rollback /LogFile= "[#NewId_NetworkClient.exe]" "[NewId_NC_InstallLocation]IUConfig.xml""/> <CustomAction Id="NewId_RollbackService" BinaryKey="NewId_InstallUtil" DllEntry="ManagedInstall" Execute="rollback"/> <InstallExecuteSequence> <Custom Action="NewId_UnInstallServiceSetProp" After="MsiUnpublishAssemblies" /> <Custom Action="NewId_UnInstallService" After="NewId_UnInstallServiceSetProp" /> <Custom Action="NewId_InstallServiceSetProp" After="StartServices" /> <Custom Action="NewId_InstallService" After="NewId_InstallServiceSetProp" /> <Custom Action="NewId_RollbackServiceSetProp" After="NewId_InstallService" /> <Custom Action="NewId_RollbackService" After="NewId_RollbackServiceSetProp" /> <Custom Action="NewId_CommitServiceSetProp" After="NewId_RollbackService" /> <Custom Action="NewId_CommitService" After="NewId_CommitServiceSetProp" /> </InstallExecuteSequence> </Product> </Wix> (2) IUConfig.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <startup> <supportedRuntime version="2.0.50727" /> </startup> </configuration> Thank you, Raz -----Original Message----- From: Rajendra Magar [] Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:48 PM To: '' Subject: [WiX-users] Problem installing a .NET installer-based service using InstallUtilLib.dll Hi, I am working on a Visual Studio WiX project to install a .NET installer-based service using InstallUtilLib.dll/ManagedInstall. I was following the instructions in the following link. The preceding link uses InstallUtilLib.dll from .NET version 1.0 whereas I am using InstallUtilLib.dll from .NET version 2.0. When I tried to install the generated msi on a Vista machine, I got "Error 2869: The dialog ErrorDlg has the error style bit set, but is no an error dialog". When I tried to install on an XP machine, I got "InstallUtilLib.dll: Unknown error". I am attaching the verbose logs from both installation instances. I looked into the logs and also searched around in online forums but I can't seem to find a way to fix these errors by manipulating my WiX input. While I know that the author of the above link and Rob Mensching don't recommend installing services using a managed code custom action, I have no choice at the moment. :( Could someone please be kind with me and tell me what I could do to get my msi to install correctly? I am also attaching my WiX source and the config file used by InstallUtilLib.dll Sincerely, Raz Magar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download Intel® Parallel Studio Eval Try the new software tools for yourself. Speed compiling, find bugs proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel performance. See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta. _______________________________________________ WiX-users mailing list *** Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail, including any associated or attached files, is intended solely for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This e-mail is confidential and may well also be legally privileged. If you have received it in error, you are on notice of its status. Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and then delete this message from your system. Please do not copy it or use it for any purposes, or disclose its contents to any other person. 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