I am creating a System DSN in my installer using an Oracle ODBC
driver.  I am resolving the name and version of the driver with a
custom action (I have to loop through the Oracle registry hive,
otherwise I would have used RegistrySearch) during the
InstallUISequence before LaunchConditions.

The only problem seems to be that ODBCDataSource/@DriverName and the
nested Property/@Value are not formatted strings.  This is my existing

      <Component Id="DSN.ABC_ORACLE" Guid="..." Permanent="yes">
        <ODBCDataSource Id="ODBCDSN" Name="ABC_ORACLE"
Registration="machine" DriverName="[ORACLE_DRIVER_NAME]">
          <Property Id="DRIVER" Value="[ORACLE_DRIVER_NAME]"/>

This just attempts to create a DSN using a driver named
"[ORACLE_DRIVER_NAME]", which of course doesn't exist, instead of the
value of the property, which should be something like "Oracle in
OraHome92".  (I verified the property is being set correctly.)

Is there another way to go about this, or will I have to create
another custom action to configure this DSN?

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