One of the areas where this often shows is in actions where the "setup" way is 
different from the commonly-known way. So these areas might be useful to 
explore, such as (and assuming MSI):

How would you install a service? Start a service?
Register a COM server, both Win32 and .NET? 
Install an assembly into the GAC?
Install the VC++ runtime support?
Create a shortcut? 
Locate the common files folder to install a file there? 
Search for an existing installed product or component? Or registry entry?
Uninstall an older version of the product?
Set the value of an environment variable? 
Install a file handler for a file extension? 

These are all areas where (regardless of what tool you use) the general correct 
answer is to use the built-in MSI capabilities instead of running code. 

Phil Wilson 

-----Original Message-----
From: Nathan Stohlmann [] 
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2010 9:49 AM
To: [Wix Users]
Subject: [WiX-users] Interviewing an installation developer

This is probably a little bit off topic but I was thinking that this
list might have the right people for the discussion.

We are doing some interviews for an installation developer position at
my company pretty soon and we got pretty burned with the person who
was previously in the role since I think we thought he had a better
handle of some of the fundamentals of installation development than it
turned out that he did. In an effort to keep that from happening again
we were thinking of coming up with some sort of exercise that could be
done during the interview that would show some level of proficiency.
Kind of like the classic "Write a sorting algorithm" sorts of
questions that are pretty common for more general development

Has anyone had any really good installation development focused
interview exercises?

My initial thought was to write up an installation package for some
sort of dummy software that had a few little requirements and have the
candidate verify the requirements were met by being able to point to
various points of the actual MSI where the requirement was
implemented. It's tempting to take that a step further and put a few
not so subtle bugs in the package to see if they catch them or not.
I'm not sure I can get a machine for the interviews though, but I'm
not sure if printing out a table dump from the MSI through something
like Orca would translate well enough. Thoughts?

Thanks in advance for any responses.

(And if you're in the Twin Cities metro area and are looking for an
installation development position, ping me privately and I'll see
about getting your resume to my manager)

--Nathan Stohlmann
Minneapolis, MN USA

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