Hello K,

Glad my blog entry could help. However, I didn't go into the icon stuff as I 
figured that was common knowledge, but that was a mistake on my part, I'm 
sorry! You've done everything right so far. :)

The icon for SETUP.EXE is defined in the in a .RC (resource compiler) file. 
What I copy .\inc\wix.rc to into the same directory as setup.rc and changed the 
name of the file to Wintellect.rc. Opening up setup.rc in a text editor, I 
change the #include line from wix.rc to Wintellect.rc. In Wintellect.rc, I 
changed all the values to reflect my information and added a line:

1 ICON .\Resources\Wintellect.ico

That'll have the .EXE to use your icon. I've attached my setup.rc and 
Wintellect.rc. I didn't include the header files that just define the macro 
values needed by Wintellect.rc as that's just standard C preprocessor stuff. 

Hope it helps! 


>-----Original Message-----
>From: noopy....@gmail.com [mailto:noopy....@gmail.com] On Behalf Of
>Sent: Sunday, November 08, 2009 7:26 PM
>To: John Robbins
>Cc: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
>Subject: Re: [WiX-users] setupbld and -bitmap not supported? -title not
>On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 1:05 PM, John Robbins <j...@wintellect.com>
>> K,
>> Here's how I got SetupBld.exe from WiX to behave like you wanted:
>Oh, I think I've got it now, or at least am getting there.  I
>re-reread your blog and managed to create both release and debug
>versions of setupexe.exe per your instructions.  I copied setupexe.exe
>to my stubs directory and ran with an argument of -setup
>Stubs\setupexe.exe to test setupbld against my newly-generated build
>of setupexe.exe.  That worked fine.
>Now the question is: per your instructions how do I define a custom
>title and icon?  I'm looking at wixver.h, WixDistribution.h and
>setup.RC and I'm not seeing any #define that would explicitly allow me
>to define an icon or title for my .exe.
>What am I missing?  I'm sure it's something trivial.  Thanks again for
>your response and excellent tutorial!
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