
Here's how I got SetupBld.exe from WiX to behave like you wanted: 

Hope it helps!


>-----Original Message-----
>From: kerbe...@noopy.org [mailto:kerbe...@noopy.org]
>Sent: Sunday, November 08, 2009 9:12 AM
>To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
>Subject: [WiX-users] setupbld and -bitmap not supported? -title not
>I am running the most current stable build of Wix 3.0.  I'm delighted
>with the product on the whole but I've reached a sticking point in
>distributing packages of my product.
>Basically, I preferred to have "fancy" electronic packaging for my
>product and as such preferred not to use the default icon for .msi.
>To get around this I decided to wrap my .msi in a .exe file -- as I
>assumed this would allow me to use a custom icon for my package.  I
>grabbed the setup stub for setup.exe from my Wix binaries directory
>and put it in a local Stubs directory; I refer to the stub when I run
>Unfortunately when I follow Jon Torresdal's instructions for using
>setupbld.exe I am unable to either specify a -bitmap or -title.  When
>I specify -title, my setup.exe is built but I cannot run it (nothing
>happens).  When I specify -bitmap, my image does not appear next to
>setup.exe in Explorer.  When I omit -title and just specify -bitmap I
>can run my .exe but I still get the default .msi icon.
>Does anyone know what might be wrong or if -bitmap is supported at all?
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