I want to be able to use a Property value in the Name attribute of a
Directory entry. I set the property by reading a directory path from
the registry, then want to indicate that that is the path into which I
will be installing. Here is a snippet, indicating that I want to
create a directory named 'Custom' in the installation directory
identified by the property EG_INSTALLDIR. Instead, [EG_INSTALLDIR] is
read literally, and a directory named '[EG_INSTALLDIR]' is created at
the c:\ root. Is there any way to indicate a property in a Directory's
Name attribute?


   <Property Id="EG_INSTALLDIR">
     <RegistrySearch Id='EnterpriseGuideRegistry' Type='raw'
       Root='HKLM' Key='Software\SAS Institute
Inc.\EnterpriseGuide\4.2' Name='InstallLocation' />

   <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
     <Directory Id="EG_INSTALLDIR" Name="[EG_INSTALLDIR]" >
       <Directory Id="EnterpriseGuideCustomTasksLocation" Name="Custom" />

Bob Uva
Software Development Consultant
Portland, OR
mobile: 503-810-6387
eMail: robert...@gmail.com

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