Hi James, just my two cents here... I had used a trial of MSI Factory(wix
version) a long time ago when wix was around 2.0, but then I opted to learn
wix instead with the help of WixEdit at first.  Bottom line is once I
learned Wix I found I dont need msi factory or wixAware, IMHO.  Perhaps
these products have some advantages and ramp up speed is quick, but if you
are using msbuild/visual studio then you are better off learning wix.  The
payback for me and my company has been reduced release stress... thanks goes
of course to the wix team..


2009/5/5 MacDiarmid, James D <james.macdiar...@eds.com>

> Does anyone use MSI Factory or WixAware to build their installs?  I've
> been evaluating WixAware and I like the interface, however it's still
> very buggy.  I'd like to see if there are any other "front ends"
> available that support Wix 2.0 and/or Wix 3.0.  I recently found MSI
> Factory and have started evaluating it.
> Thanks,
> Jim
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