The samples that come with the tutorial...
The bottom of that page has a link to the samples... "You can also download
all samples in a common archive."

I sent email directly to rob last night...

I create a few emails today in the lists regarding the tutorial and samples.
I downloaded V3.0 and am trying to work through the tutorial.  The problem
is that the downloaded samples are 2.0.  I modified the wxs file to reflect
the 3.0 changes, but when I go to either use Light at the command level, or
Build in VS 2008, it comes up with errors regarding shortcuts and registry
keys.  At this point (while I really do need to learn WiX), debugging the
samples is beyond me.  When is this going to change?  Even if you guys only
update one or more of the samples during your weekly meeting, it would be a
big help to getting the rest of us going on our learning of Wix.  Is there a
book?  The "How to guides" are for those who have gone through a tutorial
I appreciate any direction that you can give me.

This was his reply.
I understand your frustration. There is much to ramp up on, learning the
Windows Installer and the WiX toolset. We're always looking for feedback on
things to improve.

In this case, the tutorial is maintained by Gabor. I actually don't have
access to any of the content. He has said that he's going to update the
tutorial when WiX v3 is released which I think is a bit later than necessary
but like everyone he's a volunteer.  I'm not aware of anyone else that has
put in the effort to write as complete an introduction as him. The How-To's
are the closest thing but, as you noted, they do expect a basic

I'm also not aware of a book. I've thought about it a number of times but so
far, I've always decided to fix bugs in the toolset rather than write about
it. I figure it doesn't matter how good the documentation is if the tools
don't work correctly.

Anyway, you are probably hitting issues with the ICEs.  The ICEs are
documented in the MSI SDK and usually have reasonable direction how to
address them
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Arnson [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 10:54 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Samples errors follow up

Louis elston wrote:
> I am grateful for the pointers on how to research the error codes.  This
> question is why I have to do this on the samples.  

Which samples?


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