
Thanks a lot for your suggestions.
Could you please let me know how to implement the first one (.reg files)
as you suggested.

Thanks again.

SivaKrishna Kalvagadda,

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 6:42 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Executing .bat,.reg,.msi files from WIX v3

In article
    "Kalvagadda, SivaKrishna \(MLX Technology\)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  writes:

> I have requirement of executing the .reg, .msi, .bat as a part of
> installation of WIX MSI. Could someone help how to execute these kind
> files from WIX v3

Let's take them one at a time:

.reg: Don't use the .reg file; instead put the registry values in the
.reg file into a component and install the component.

.bat: Usually running a batch file at install time is a bad idea.  It
looks lame to see DOS boxes flash up during install time -- although
many people do it, I always think "man, these guys must suck" every
time I watch an installer do it.  It creates a bad first impression.
If you absolutely must do it, run cmd.exe /c <bat file>.  Even better
is to run it in a way that hides the window.

.msi: Windows Installer packages are transaction based.  You can't
start a new transaction inside another transaction.  So you can't
execute an MSI from inside another MSI.  If you have dependent
products that your application requires, you should handle this in a
bootstrapper that sequences the two transactions (dependent product,
then your application) one after the other.
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