Neil Sleightholm wrote:
> I am struggling to get <util:CloseApplication> to work and wondered if
> anyone else has got it working (I am using 3.0.4415.0). First, what I
> would expect to see is a dialog offering to close my application if it
> is still running - is this what it does?

No, it doesn't have UI. (Ideally, it could integrate into the existing 
files-in-use functionality, but it's not clear it's really extensible.) 
CloseApplication exists mostly for things like tray apps that don't have 
a main window in the sense MSI expects (top-level visible window with a 
title) and shows in the FilesInUse dialog. Also, when you use Property, 
it lets you control the UI via conditions.

> I have added a line like this to my installation:
>                 <util:CloseApplication Id="MyApp" CloseMessage="yes"
> Target="MyApp.exe" />

When CloseMessage='yes', it should send a WM_CLOSE message to the 
target's main window. Turn on verbose logging from WcaUtil 
<> and 
you'll get the details of what it's doing.

>                 DEBUG: Error 2762:  Unable to schedule operation. The
> action must be scheduled between InstallInitialize and InstallFinalize.

By default, CloseApplication schedules a deferred custom action to 
schedule a reboot if the target process is still running. 
RebootPrompt='no' turns that off so it should be usable outside 


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