It depends when you think it got broken. I built a CORBA dissector using 2.2.5. 
I haven’t tried the latest build though.

I’m using Windows 7. Generally I don’t actually use the idl2wrs script. I use 
commands based on it. So to generate the .c files I use something like..

C:\Python27\omniorb\omniORB-4.1.6\bin\x86_win32\omniidl.exe -p 
C:\wireshark-2.2.5\tools -b wireshark_be myCorba.idl > packet-myCorba.c


Andy Ling

From: Wireshark-dev [] On Behalf Of 
Michael Mann
Sent: Mon 26 June 2017 13:17
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Building CORBA dissectors

I'm guessing you didn't get a response because no one is building CORBA 
dissectors outside of the 3 or 4 that are in the source tree.  Those are 
generated with idl2wrs, but then the C output is part of source control 
(partially because I'm not sure all platforms could generate the C dissector as 
part of the build process).
If the CORBA dissectors that are currently in Wireshark source don't generate 
correctly, I can certainly take a look.  But if you have "private" CORBA 
dissectors, we may need to chat offline if you can't share them publically.  
Otherwise the preferred solution would be to provide your CORBA dissector (and 
sample capture) in a bug report in Bugzilla.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Hagood <<>>
To: Developer support list for Wireshark 
Sent: Mon, Jun 26, 2017 7:23 am
Subject: [Wireshark-dev] Building CORBA dissectors

I've asked about this before, but gotten no responses: Has anybody tried to 
build a CORBA dissector from IDL with the current git head? It seems the 
idl2wrs program has been changed, and it no longer seems to be able to process 
IDL correctly. 
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