On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 6:47 PM, Hadriel Kaplan
<hadriel.kap...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> 4) How do you know if someone has a fix or not?  With subversion, they'd
>> indicate they're running svn r51234, for example, and then you could tell
>> them that they need to update to at least r52345.  With git, how does this
>> work with hashes?
> That would be good to know - because so far it seems people've been using the 
> first ~6 characters of the commit hashes, but I'm not sure if that's right or 
> not.

That is in general the git method. Better to use the first 12, but the
general idea stays the same. But I would rather suggest using the
gerrit change-ids, as those are universal. Git commit ids differ
between different people (each clone may create their one), but
change-ids stay identical.

- Roland
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