Without looking at the details of the patch, my thoughts are:
1. I like the fact that a "workaround" has been created for insufficient 
heuristics.  I just hope it doesn't have the unintended consequence of weaker 
heuristics being created.
2. What I don't like is getting non capture file support (hooks) "for free", 
therefore having Wirehark support non capture file types (outside of the 
handful that commonly come across network protocols).  I've been (slowly) 
working on separating "Fileshark" functionality from Wireshark with the 
distinct difference of "capture file" vs "non-capture file" (or treating 
capture file as binary).  Yes, writing a new GUI for non-capture files will be 
an arduous task (which is why I started with a command line interface to work 
out the architecture), but I still believe we want the distinction of 
"Wireshark" separate from "FileShark" and not have an "OmniShark" that does 
both just because the underlying architecture is generic enough to support it.  
I'd prefer the geneic architecture (with some futher tweaking) just do "double 
duty" for separate applications.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michal Labedzki <michal.labed...@tieto.com>
To: Developer support list for Wireshark <wireshark-dev@wireshark.org>
Sent: Fri, Jan 31, 2014 8:15 am
Subject: [Wireshark-dev] Omnivorous Shark

There is a need to have a feedback about my propose of change (extend)
efault procedure of opening file in Wireshark. I propose add ability
o choose format. Default behaviour is still "Automatic". New is
omponent (GUI, list) where you can choose opening format.
Use case: For example heuristic for "mp2t" fail on file in format VWR
VWR will be open as mp2t). Currently you are not able to open VWR in
his case. Patch add possibility to open this file.
Related to it is next patch:
xample BTSNOOP files:
First patch add possibility to open file in specified format, so there
s a case to open log file in "Fileshark" mode. Fortunately seems that
ireshark is able to dissect header of file and all packet like normal
ireshark mode.
Pozdrawiam / Best regards
ichał Łabędzki, Software Engineer
ieto Corporation
Product Development Services
http://www.tieto.com / http://www.tieto.pl
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