
I'm a Polish student and I want to implement something useful for Wireshark 
during Google Summer of Code. One of the ideas is already listed on your ideas 
page, the other is not (but, I have no idea, why it's not already implemented).

First idea: implement Google's Protocol Buffers dissector.
There are some protobuf dissectors floating around, but they are usually 
lacking most of features that common developer would need:
- being shipped with Wireshark (it's easy, but it also needs the code to be 
license, code style etc compliant)
- make it possible and easy to call it from other dissectors - I think most of 
Protocol Buffers usage (most protocols that use it) is encapsulated in other 
packets, with headers containing packet type and so on
- easy way to provide packet structure; optionally, in various formats 
(generated C or plain text protobuf message structures) - other dissectors also 
have to easily provide Message structures to protobuf dissector
- good handling of unknown fields
- a way to provide info beyond protobuf Message struct, like bitfields 
descriptions, or a possibility to call another dissector for raw bytes embedded 
within protobuf message

Second idea: Fileshark
I've been thinking of such project a long before GSoC was announced. I really 
miss such tool and I really would like to see it. So, I would be glad do it by 
myself during summer.
I think, the main concern with this project is to use as much common code as 
possible and maintain UI consistency with Wireshark. I think it would be 
reasonable to make it possible to use the same dissectors as for Wireshark

Please, rate those ideas and my chances of being accepted for GSoC with these 

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