yin sun schrieb:
> On 8/27/07, *Greg Bell* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Thanks for that reply. I'm glad someone confirmed it works using
>     VC 2005EE. What about the Platform SDK, did you use Server 2003 R2?
> Yes, I also have VS80sp1-KB926748-X86-INTL.exe installed for  the 
> reason I  forgot.
**As SP1 is installed then, you've have a different version of the 
Visual Studio and the redistributable files - this may cause problems!
>     Regarding your mods,
>     2. We're referring to C:\wireshark-0.99.6\tools\win32-setup.sh right?
> Yes.
I'm also using Unix style cygwin and don't need the dos2unix call. 
However, I'm compiling from subversion not from the released sources - 
as mentioned in the step-by-step guide.
>     3. Do you replace all occurences of xcopy (in if statements only)
>     with "c:/WINNT/system32/xcopy"? For example,
>     if exist wireshark.pdb xcopy wireshark.pdb $(INSTALL1_DIR) /d
>     Becomes:
>     if exist wireshark.pdb "c:/WINNT/system32/xcopy" wireshark.pdb
>     $(INSTALL1_DIR) /d
> Yes.
Why is this xcopy stuff necessary? xcopy should be always in the path?!?
>     I tried changing my build environment to VC6 and it now works on
>     Windows 2000. I may just end up sticking with this build setup, as
>     it resolves my issue and seems less problamatic than using
>     VC2005EE. I think the "Win32: Step-by-Step Guide" should state at
>     the top that if you have VC6, use it instead of 2005EE.
The number of people having VC6 is decreasing rapidly (including myself 
in the next months) and I don't want to have "tons of options" listed in 
the guide - this makes it even harder to follow it.

Regards, ULFL
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