Well, if you want to do quick tests, you do not have to change anything in 
Makefile.nmake files...
The only compulsory adaptations are:
1) Commit the patch I sent yesterday
2) In the "config.nmake" file change "LOCAL_CFLAGS=/Zi /W3 " by 

If you want to test with Visual studio >6 && < 2005, just add the correct 
msvcrxx.dll to the installer.

If you want to test with visual studio 2005/Visual C++ 2005 Express, do these 
additional operations:
1) I strongly recommend installing the latest platform SDK
2) Apply the ugly attached patch to the installer
3) Create a make project from the IDE (mind the directory) and
        a) Enter for example this standard command to compile (e.g. "nmake -f 
Makefile.nmake packaging"), clean (e.g. "nmake -f Makefile.nmake distclean")
        b) Apply the step 3 of the process explained here: 

NB: The 2nd item would avoid to modify makefiles.

By now, everything should compile & work!

Of course, especially for VS 2005, a tuning process may be required. For 
example see http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms235591(VS.80).aspx to 
embed manifest files in exe/dll and 
to explain how to redistribute Run Time libraries for users not having 
As you'll see, the redistribution of this component requires
- a release >= Windows 98 or >= Windows 2000 (so Windows 95/NT not supported 
- Windows Installer 3.0 etc...
There's maybe a better option I do not know because I discovered C++ 2005 2 
days ago (static linking is certainly not the best option) :-<
If you encounter some problems, you can Call me on MSN/skype. Just send me a 
private eMail for us to fix an appointment.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Ulf Lamping
Envoyé : jeudi 21 décembre 2006 12:09
À : Developer support list for Wireshark
Objet : Re: [Wireshark-dev] Microsoft Visual C Version 6support isa bitoutdated 

RABRET Laurent RD-MAPS-ISS wrote:
> Of course there's one, I posted a patch about 1.5 years ago for the formerly 
> Ethereal to successfully compiled with Visual > 6. I have always successfully 
> used this patched Ethereal/Wireshark compiled with VS 2003 and have just 
> checked when compiled with Visual C++ 2005 Express --> No problem if we 
> include the .exe/dll.manifest to the distribution.
Thanks for the info.

Could you add the manifest files and - if required - the changes to the 
makefiles? Your patch only includes the gstdio.h related stuff.
> I do not understand why this patch was not applied but it's maybe because I 
> do not know glib (or because the macro does not work on VS6/Unices -> not 
> tested on these environments). 
Probably as none of the core developers could test it, lack of time, ...
> The "spirit" of the patch is very simple: Do not use glib API for file 
> handling whilst glib is compiled with visual studio 6.
> Regards
> Laurent
> Caution: if you test, DO NOT FORGET to compile "zlib" to ensure RT lib 
> consistency.
As a first step I'll simply disable zlib for my experiments (zlib is 

Regards, ULFL
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