On 22 Apr 2011, at 11:11, Gordon Joly wrote:

> On 20/04/2011 23:48, Isabell Long wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 10:27:53PM +0100, James Forrester wrote:
>>> On 20 April 2011 18:04, Isabell Long<isabell...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>> Suggestions as to how I can get more involved are welcome!  I do plan to
>>>> come to one of the London meetups *soon*.  :-)
>>> Though I'd be the last to discourage people from coming to the meetups
>>> (and especially "my" meetups in London), they are primarily social
>>> affairs and we don't get much done at them. We sometimes discuss doing
>>> something, arrange them, or raise awareness of them, but if you're
>>> looking to devote time in meat-space for Wikimedia-related things,
>>> they are very much the start rather than the end. :-)
>> I'm social amongst groups of like-minded people!  And the meets (the
>> Sunday ones?) are in a nice, seemingly friendly venue.  :-)
>> Thanks James,
>> Isabell.
> The Sunday meetings in London are held in Wetherspoons pub (Lloyds 
> Number 1 bar?). Hence, food is available, and there is wide range of 
> drinks (hot, cold, alcoholic and non-alcoholic). Set Sunday lunches are 
> popular, cheap and include a free drink.
> Future meets...
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Meetup/London/45
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Meetup/London/46
> Content? Yes, it is a Wikimeet....

The easiest way of getting involved is definitely to come along to Wikimedia 
events like the wikimeets or backstage passes. There's a UK-focused events list 
on the WMUK wiki, at:
There's also the on-wiki projects like WP:GLAM/BM, /BL, /DERBY, etc. which have 
plenty of things on their to-do lists that you can help out with.

There are many different ways of being involved more actively, which mostly 
rely on individuals taking the initiative, either by leading events (organise a 
wikimeet in your city [they don't just need to be in London!]; talk to local 
organisations and see if they want a Wikipedia Workshop, or a Backstage Pass 
event; ...), or putting together online projects (focus on a specific topic; 
run an online competition; ..), or anything else you can think of.


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