On 20/04/2011 22:27, James Forrester wrote:
> On 20 April 2011 18:04, Isabell Long<isabell...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Suggestions as to how I can get more involved are welcome!  I do plan to
>> come to one of the London meetups *soon*.  :-)
> Though I'd be the last to discourage people from coming to the meetups
> (and especially "my" meetups in London), they are primarily social
> affairs and we don't get much done at them. We sometimes discuss doing
> something, arrange them, or raise awareness of them, but if you're
> looking to devote time in meat-space for Wikimedia-related things,
> they are very much the start rather than the end. :-)
> J.
Apart from WSC telling HarryPotter to do something, and he did something 
else, that is a project that was report at the WikiConference 2011?



Gordon Joly
Don't Leave Space To The Professionals!

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