GunChleoc has proposed merging 
lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/cleanup-networking-messages into lp:widelands.

Commit message:
Deleted unused networking messages and unified the "Something went wrong" 

Requested reviews:
  Widelands Developers (widelands-dev)

For more details, see:
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of 
lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/cleanup-networking-messages into lp:widelands.
=== modified file 'src/network/'
--- src/network/	2017-01-25 18:55:59 +0000
+++ src/network/	2017-02-10 15:40:11 +0000
@@ -294,9 +294,7 @@
 	} catch (const std::exception& e) {
-		std::string reason = _("Something went wrong: ");
-		reason += e.what();
-		logout(reason);
+		logout((boost::format(_("Something went wrong: %s")) % e.what()).str());

=== modified file 'src/network/'
--- src/network/	2017-01-25 18:55:59 +0000
+++ src/network/	2017-02-10 15:40:11 +0000
@@ -40,26 +40,10 @@
 void InternetGamingMessages::fill_map() {
 	// messages from metaserver to client
 	igmessages["NO_SUCH_USER"] = _("There is no user with the name %s logged in!");
-	igmessages["WRONG_PASSWORD"] = _("The sent password was incorrect!");
-	igmessages["UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL"] = _("The protocol version you are using is not supported!");
-	igmessages["ALREADY_LOGGED_IN"] = _("You are already logged in!");
-	igmessages["DEFICIENT_PERMISSION"] =
-	   _("You got disconnected, as you sent a superuser command without superuser permission. "
-	     "This incident will be logged and reported to the administrator.");
-	igmessages["RESTARTING"] = _("You got disconnected, as the metaserver is currently restarting.");
 	// messages from client to metaserver
 	igmessages["CONNECTION_CLOSED"] = _("Connection was closed by the client normally.");
 	igmessages["CONNECTION_LOST"] = _("The connection to the metaserver was lost.");
 	igmessages["NO_ANSWER"] = _("Metaserver did not answer");
-	igmessages["GAME_NOT_CONNECTABLE"] = _("Your game can’t be connected to from the internet");
 	igmessages["CLIENT_TIMEOUT"] =
 	   _("You got disconnected from the metaserver, as you did not answer a PING request in time.");
-	igmessages["GAME_TIMEOUT"] =
-	   _("The metaserver was unable to connect to your game. Most likely it can’t be connected to "
-	     "from the "
-	     "internet! Please take a look at to learn how "
-	     "to set up "
-	     "your internet connection for hosting a game online.");
-	igmessages["NOT_LOGGED_IN"] = _(
-	   "You tried to log back in, but the server has no knowledge of your previous state anymore.");

=== modified file 'src/network/internet_gaming_protocol.h'
--- src/network/internet_gaming_protocol.h	2017-01-25 18:55:59 +0000
+++ src/network/internet_gaming_protocol.h	2017-02-10 15:40:11 +0000
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
  * \note all this is handled in InternetGaming::handle_packet. valid explanation codes can be found
  * there.
- * \note example for not connectable game: "ERROR" "GAME_OPEN" "GAME_NOT_CONNECTABLE"
+ * \note example for not connectable game: "ERROR" "GAME_OPEN"
 static const std::string IGPCMD_ERROR = "ERROR";
@@ -310,8 +310,7 @@
  * list the new game, but set it as not connectable and recheck the connectability for
  * If the game gets connectable in time, the metaserver lists the game as connectable, else it
- * removes the
- * game from the list of games and sends a \ref IGPCMD_GAME_NOT_CONNECTABLE to the hosting client.
+ * removes the game from the list of games.
 static const std::string IGPCMD_GAME_OPEN = "GAME_OPEN";

=== modified file 'src/network/'
--- src/network/	2017-01-30 14:40:12 +0000
+++ src/network/	2017-02-10 15:40:11 +0000
@@ -1718,7 +1718,7 @@
 	Client& client = d->;
 	if (time - client.time < 0)
-		throw DisconnectException("BACKWARTS_RUNNING_TIME");
+		throw DisconnectException("BACKWARDS_RUNNING_TIME");
 	if (d->committed_networktime - time < 0)
 		throw DisconnectException("SIMULATING_BEYOND_TIME");
 	if (d->syncreport_pending && !client.syncreport_arrived) {

=== modified file 'src/network/'
--- src/network/	2017-01-25 18:55:59 +0000
+++ src/network/	2017-02-10 15:40:11 +0000
@@ -123,8 +123,6 @@
 	ngmessages["GAME_STARTED_AT_CONNECT"] =
 	   _("The game has started just after you tried to connect.");
 	ngmessages["SERVER_CRASHED"] = _("Server has crashed and performed an emergency save.");
-	ngmessages["CLIENT_TIMEOUTED"] =
-	   _("Connection to client timed out: no response for 10 minutes!");
 	ngmessages["CLIENT_DESYNCED"] = _("Client and host have become desynchronized.");
 	ngmessages["KICKED"] = _("Kicked by the host: %s");
 	ngmessages["MALFORMED_COMMANDS"] = _("Client sent malformed commands: %s");
@@ -142,7 +140,7 @@
 	ngmessages["DIFFERENT_PROTOCOL_VERS"] = _("Server uses a different protocol version");
 	ngmessages["PROTOCOL_EXCEPTION"] = _("Received command number %s,"
 	                                     " which is not allowed in this state.");
-	ngmessages["BACKWARTS_RUNNING_TIME"] =
+	ngmessages["BACKWARDS_RUNNING_TIME"] =
 	   _("Client reports time to host that is running backwards.");
 	ngmessages["SIMULATING_BEYOND_TIME"] =
 	   _("Client simulates beyond the game time allowed by the host.");
@@ -150,8 +148,6 @@
 	ngmessages["GAME_ALREADY_STARTED"] = _("The game has already started.");
 	ngmessages["NO_ACCESS_TO_PLAYER"] = _("Client has no access to other player’s settings.");
 	ngmessages["NO_ACCESS_TO_SERVER"] = _("Client has no access to server settings.");
-	ngmessages["START_SENT_NOT_READY"] =
-	   _("Client sent start command, although server is not yet ready.");
 	ngmessages["TIME_SENT_NOT_READY"] =
 	   _("Client sent TIME command even though game is not running.");
 	ngmessages["PLAYERCMD_FOR_OTHER"] = _("Client sent a PLAYERCOMMAND for another player.");
@@ -163,12 +159,9 @@
 	ngmessages["DIFFERENT_WL_VERSION"] =
 	   _("WARNING: %1$s uses version: %2$s, while Host uses version: %3$s");
 	ngmessages["CLIENT_HAS_JOINED_GAME"] = _("%s has joined the game");
-	ngmessages["GAME_SAVED_AS"] = _("Game was saved as %s.");
 	ngmessages["STARTED_SENDING_FILE"] = _("Started to send file %1$s to %2$s!");
 	ngmessages["COMPLETED_FILE_TRANSFER"] = _("Completed transfer of file %1$s to %2$s");
 	ngmessages["SENDING_FILE_PART"] = _("Sending part %1$s of file %2$s to %3$s");
 	ngmessages["PLAYER_DEFEATED"] = _("The player ‘%s’ was defeated and became a spectator.");
 	ngmessages["CLIENT_HUNG"] = _("Client %1$s did not answer for more than %2$s.");
-	ngmessages["CLIENT_HUNG_AUTOKICK"] =
-	   _("Client %1$s will automatically be kicked, if no answer is received within %2$s.");

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