Above and beyond. Thank you very much!

On Monday, 3 February 2025 at 05:14:25 UTC-5 gjr80 wrote:

> Confirmed it this afternoon, leaks will change from 0 to 1 when triggered 
> (or 'Leaking' as displayed din the WS View+ app). WH55 is quite tolerable 
> when triggered and placed in sealed container.
> Gary
> On Monday, 3 February 2025 at 11:13:16 UTC+10 bell...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I should add, I wasn’t keen to trigger it either. Knowing the observation 
>> name and that it goes from 0 to non-0 is all I really need to know. I plan 
>> to configure my weewx-pushover extension to send a notification when it is 
>> non-0.
>> When I have it all configured, I will trigger as a final test.
>> Thanks again. rich
>> On Sunday, 2 February 2025 at 06:22:30 UTC-5 bell...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Gary,
>>> Perfect. Thank you very much!
>>> rich
>>> On Saturday, 1 February 2025 at 23:29:15 UTC-5 gjr80 wrote:
>>>> You should see a field leakx in archive records and loop packets where 
>>>> x is the channel number to which your WH55 is assigned. The value will be 
>>>> 0 
>>>> when not triggered and (I believe) 1 when triggered. The Ecowitt telnet 
>>>> API 
>>>> documentation is very, shall we say, non-specific about the WH55 
>>>> non-triggered/triggered values. I can confirm the value 0 indicates the 
>>>> WH55 is not triggered and I'm not going to have the household experience a 
>>>> triggered WH55 just now so I can test the triggered value :). That being 
>>>> said, I've just noticed an omission in the driver that will result in 
>>>> archive records containing an average of the loop packet 'leak values' 
>>>> rather than the most recent loop packet value as it should. You can fix 
>>>> that by adding the highlighted stanzas to your weewx.conf [Accumulator] 
>>>> stanza:
>>>> [Accumulator]
>>>>     ....
>>>>     [[leak1]]
>>>>         extractor = last
>>>>     [[leak2]]
>>>>         extractor = last
>>>>     [[leak3]]
>>>>         extractor = last
>>>>     [[leak4]]
>>>>         extractor = last
>>>> Of course if you have mapped any of the leakx fields to some other 
>>>> field name you will need to change the [[ ]] contents accordingly.
>>>> The battery value of 5 indicates a fully charged battery, the battery 
>>>> field for the WH55 is an integer from 0 to 5 inclusive with 0 and 1 
>>>> indicating a 'low battery'. The signal level is a quasi-signal level in 
>>>> that it indicates the number of the last four packets from that sensor 
>>>> that 
>>>> were successfully received by the gateway. 4 is good, 0 is not good.
>>>> Gary
>>>> On Sunday, 2 February 2025 at 11:24:09 UTC+10 bell...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>> weewx-gw1000 and ecowitt wh55
>>>>> I recently got a wh55. When running weewx-gw1000 as a driver directly, 
>>>>> I see the following: 'wh55_ch1_batt': '5', 'wh55_ch1_sig': '4' in the 
>>>>> output. My googling has let me down... What are the expected values for 
>>>>> 'batt' and 'sig'. Or more specfically, how do I know when it has dected a 
>>>>> water leak versus when “it is dry”?
>>>>> Thanks! rich

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