Running WS90/WS3800/WEEWX: when adding this to weewx.conf:

        radiation = uvradiation
        ws_90 = ws90_sig
        consBatteryVoltage = ws90_batt
        signal1 = ws90_sig]
I get the following data:

2025-02-02 20:22:46 WET (1738527766): 'consBatteryVoltage': '2.68', 
'dateTime': '1738527766', 'daymaxwind': '10.8', 'heap_free': '100928', 
'inHumidity': '59', 'inTemp': '18.8', 'luminosity': '0.0', 'outHumidity': 
'68', 'outTemp': '12.4', 'p_dayRain': '0.7', 'p_monthRain': '1.1', 
'p_rainRate': '0.0', 'p_stormRain': '0.0', 'p_weekRain': '29.2', 
'p_yearRain': '35.2', 'pressure': '1021.7', 'rain': 'None', 'relbarometer': 
'1021.7', 'signal1': '4', 'usUnits': '17', 'UV': '0', 'uvradiation': '0.0', 
'windDir': '338', 'windGust': '4.4', 'windSpeed': '3.2', 'ws_90': '4'

In short the fieldmapping works fine except for the field: *radiation = 

*I want to populate the "radiation" field in the database to facilitate the 
ET and Radiation graphs.*

What do I do wrong

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