Your 'Supported SQL keys' output from weectl debug does not have a 
extraTemp4 element in the database.  It looks to me like you are trying to 
use an older weewx v3 wview-compatible database that only has 50 or so 
elements rather than the current wview-extended schema that has 110 or so 
elements in it.  A normal output would look like:

Supported SQL keys
  dateTime                  usUnits                   interval
  altimeter                 appTemp                   appTemp1
  barometer                 batteryStatus1            batteryStatus2
  batteryStatus3            batteryStatus4            batteryStatus5
  batteryStatus6            batteryStatus7            batteryStatus8
  cloudbase                 co                        co2
  consBatteryVoltage        dewpoint                  dewpoint1
  ET                        extraHumid1               extraHumid2
  extraHumid3               extraHumid4               extraHumid5
  extraHumid6               extraHumid7               extraHumid8
  extraTemp1                extraTemp2                extraTemp3
  extraTemp4                extraTemp5                extraTemp6
  extraTemp7                extraTemp8                forecast
  hail                      hailBatteryStatus         hailRate
  heatindex                 heatindex1                heatingTemp
  heatingVoltage            humidex                   humidex1
  inDewpoint                inHumidity                inTemp
  inTempBatteryStatus       leafTemp1                 leafTemp2
  leafWet1                  leafWet2                  lightning_distance
  lightning_disturber_count lightning_energy          lightning_noise_count
  lightning_strike_count    luminosity                maxSolarRad
  nh3                       no2                       noise
  o3                        outHumidity               outTemp
  outTempBatteryStatus      pb                        pm10_0
  pm1_0                     pm2_5                     pressure
  radiation                 rain                      rainBatteryStatus
  rainRate                  referenceVoltage          rxCheckPercent
  signal1                   signal2                   signal3
  signal4                   signal5                   signal6
  signal7                   signal8                   snow
  snowBatteryStatus         snowDepth                 snowMoisture
  snowRate                  so2                       soilMoist1
  soilMoist2                soilMoist3                soilMoist4
  soilTemp1                 soilTemp2                 soilTemp3
  soilTemp4                 supplyVoltage             txBatteryStatus
  UV                        uvBatteryStatus           windBatteryStatus
  windchill                 windDir                   windGust
  windGustDir               windrun                   windSpeed

I would suggest stopping weewx, 'renaming' your existing database, then 
starting weewx again.  That should create a new database with all the 
wview-extended schema elements I listed above.  Maybe that will help.

On Wednesday, November 27, 2024 at 7:17:49 AM UTC-8 Karen K wrote:

> Unfortunately I do not know much about the interceptor driver. There are 
> other people around here who know more.
> There ist the section [[sensor_map_extensions]] in the driver 
> configuration section. You will have to add entries there to use additional 
> sensors. They look like "weewx_obs_type_name = ecowitt_sensor_name". Please 
> refer to the Interceptor driver documentation 
> <> for details.
> schrieb am Sonntag, 24. November 2024 um 11:33:37 
> UTC+1:
>> Thank you for your info.
>> Driver is interceptor. Here is a weectl debug file
>> petek, 22. november 2024 ob 13:20:50 UTC+1 je oseba Karen K napisala:
>>> It is more than before, but it is still not very much. 
>>> weewx.conf is a long file, and "generic" can appear several times there. 
>>> So where you added this? Try "weectl debug" to create an overview about 
>>> your environment as the documentation says. 
>>> From what you posted I assume you NAMED the sensors, but did not ADD 
>>> them.
>>> It depends on the driver, and you did not say which one you use. It is 
>>> not enough to say it is an Ecowitt clone. Again, "weectl debug" would show 
>>> the information needed to comment. 
>>> Read Help! Posting to weewx user 
>>> <!-Posting-to-weewx-user> before 
>>> you post.

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