Before starting, there's one thing to note: by default, the Vantage series
emits its own archive records, but they don't contain everything that was
in the LOOP packets. For example, a Vantage archive record does not contain
"consBatteryVoltage", which is only in the LOOP packets. To include them,
the WeeWX engine augments the record off the hardware device with
everything that it can get out of the accumulators (which compile LOOP
packets). This is done by service StdArchive.

The services listed under "data_services" actually run quite early: right
after "prep_services", well before StdArchive. So if you put your dummy
service under data_services, it won't see what will be added by StdArchive.
Hence, it's missing things like consBatteryVoltage.

But, I can't explain why the augmentation does not happen when you include
dummyDataService, but does when you omit it. I tried replicating on my own
system, and it acted as expected. Here's what it looks like with

Oct 26 12:15:15 NUC-black weewxd[84442]: DEBUG user.dummyDataService:
{'dateTime': 1729970100, 'usUnits': 1, 'interval': 5, 'rxCheckPercent':
99.9375, 'outTemp': 54.8, 'highOutTemp': 55.0, 'lowOutTemp': 54.6, 'rain':
0.0, 'rainRate': 0.0, 'barometer': 30.086, 'radiation': 200.0,
'wind_samples': 117.0, 'inTemp': 68.7, 'inHumidity': 49.0, 'outHumidity':
66.0, 'windSpeed': 1.0, 'windGust': 3.0, 'windGustDir': 180.0, 'windDir':
180.0, 'UV': 1.3, 'ET': 0.0, 'highRadiation': 234.0, 'highUV': 1.3,
'forecastRule': 44}

and the corresponding REC:

REC:    2024-10-26 12:15:00 PDT (1729970100) 'altimeter':
'30.08152038664648', 'appTemp': '52.77093282004806', 'barometer': '30.086',
'cloudbase': '3231.4521080878726', 'consBatteryVoltage': '4.7', 'dateTime':
'1729970100', 'dayET': '0.015', 'dayRain': '0.0', 'dewpoint':
'43.66161072441336', 'ET': '0.0', 'extraAlarm1': '0.0', 'extraAlarm2':
'0.0', 'extraAlarm3': '0.0', 'extraAlarm4': '0.0', 'extraAlarm5': '0.0',
'extraAlarm6': '0.0', 'extraAlarm7': '0.0', 'extraAlarm8': '0.0',
'forecastIcon': '6.0', 'forecastRule': '44', 'heatindex':
'53.081999999999994', 'highOutTemp': '55.0', 'highRadiation': '234.0',
'highUV': '1.3', 'humidex': '54.8', 'inDewpoint': '48.75937484652667',
'inHumidity': '49.0', 'insideAlarm': '0.0', 'inTemp': '68.7', 'interval':
'5', 'lowOutTemp': '54.6', 'maxSolarRad': '479.7192813786106', 'monthET':
'1.77', 'monthRain': '0.71', 'outHumidity': '66.0', 'outsideAlarm1': '0.0',
'outsideAlarm2': '0.0', 'outTemp': '54.8', 'pressure':
'29.326441515975546', 'radiation': '200.0', 'rain': '0.0', 'rainAlarm':
'0.0', 'rainRate': '0.0', 'rxCheckPercent': '99.9375', 'soilLeafAlarm1':
'0.0', 'soilLeafAlarm2': '0.0', 'soilLeafAlarm3': '0.0', 'soilLeafAlarm4':
'0.0', 'stormRain': '0.0', 'sunrise': '1729953540.0', 'sunset':
'1729990800.0', 'txBatteryStatus': '0', 'usUnits': '1', 'UV': '1.3',
'wind_samples': '117.0', 'windchill': '54.8', 'windDir': '180.0',
'windGust': '3.0', 'windGustDir': '180.0', 'windrun':
'0.08333333333333333', 'windSpeed': '1.0', 'windSpeed10': '1.0', 'yearET':
'35.94', 'yearRain': '0.71'

As you can see, it contains consBatteryVoltage.

There's something else going on, but I'm not sure what it is. Are you
working with a freshly installed version of WeeWX with no modifications?
What about the custom data service that you mentioned in your first post?
Are you using the copy of weewx.conf that you think you're using?


On Sat, Oct 26, 2024 at 9:13 AM halol goog <> wrote:

> Thanks for the reply. I did more tests, but I still cannot figure out
> what's wrong.
> So I prepared a new dummy data service (attached) to rule out an issue
> with my original one: I have the same issue. This new data service does
> nothing except print the record. It is based on the example provided in the
> documentation.
> Here is what I get when I enable the data service with the following
> configuration in weex.conf:
> [Engine]
>   [[Services]]
>     prep_services = weewx.engine.StdTimeSynch
>     process_services = weewx.engine.StdConvert, weewx.engine.StdCalibrate,
> weewx.engine.StdQC, weewx.wxservices.StdWXCalculate
>     xtype_services = weewx.wxxtypes.StdWXXTypes,
> weewx.wxxtypes.StdPressureCooker, weewx.wxxtypes.StdRainRater,
> weewx.wxxtypes.StdDelta
>     archive_services = weewx.engine.StdArchive
>     restful_services = weewx.restx.StdStationRegistry,
> weewx.restx.StdWunderground, weewx.restx.StdPWSweather,
> weewx.restx.StdCWOP, weewx.restx.StdWOW, weewx.restx.StdAWEKAS,
> user.mqtt.MQTT
>     report_services = weewx.engine.StdPrint, weewx.engine.StdReport
>     data_services = user.dummyDataService.PrintPacket
> The output produced is:
> 2024-10-26 17:55:02 weewxd[1]: DEBUG user.dummyDataService: Dummy data
> service - printing archive record
> 2024-10-26 17:55:02 weewxd[1]: DEBUG user.dummyDataService: {'dateTime':
> 1729958100, 'usUnits': 1, 'interval': 5, 'rxCheckPercent': 99.9375,
> 'outTemp': 59.2, 'highOutTemp': 59.3, 'lowOutTemp': 59.2, 'rain': 0.0,
> 'rainRate': 0.0, 'barometer': 30.002, 'radiation': 6.0, 'wind_samples':
> 117.0, 'inTemp': 79.5, 'inHumidity': 54.0, 'outHumidity': 93.0,
> 'windSpeed': 1.0, 'windGust': 3.0, 'windGustDir': 270.0, 'windDir': 315.0,
> 'ET': 0.0, 'highRadiation': 9.0, 'forecastRule': 44}
> 2024-10-26 17:55:02 weewxd[1]: INFO weewx.manager: Added record 2024-10-26
> 17:55:00 CEST (1729958100) to database 'weewx'
> 2024-10-26 17:55:02 weewxd[1]: INFO weewx.manager: Added record 2024-10-26
> 17:55:00 CEST (1729958100) to daily summary in 'weewx'
> REC: 2024-10-26 17:55:00 CEST (1729958100) 'altimeter':
> '1016.3862117251151', 'appTemp': '16.058246419654616', 'barometer':
> '1015.9841754081338', 'cloudbase': '397.1353776690074', 'dateTime':
> '1729958100', 'dewpoint': '13.986259038068189', 'ET': '0.0',
> 'forecastRule': '44', 'heatindex': '15.106111111111112', 'highOutTemp':
> '15.166666666666664', 'highRadiation': '9.0', 'humidex':
> '18.474908466486777', 'inDewpoint': '16.319400135449317', 'inHumidity':
> '54.0', 'inTemp': '26.38888888888889', 'interval': '5', 'lowOutTemp':
> '15.111111111111112', 'maxSolarRad': '15.956834013222045', 'outHumidity':
> '93.0', 'outTemp': '15.111111111111112', 'pressure': '985.3738011279798',
> 'radiation': '6.0', 'rain': '0.0', 'rainRate': '0.0', 'rxCheckPercent':
> '99.9375', 'usUnits': '17', 'wind_samples': '117.0', 'windchill':
> '15.111111111111112', 'windDir': '315.0', 'windGust': '1.34112',
> 'windGustDir': '270.0', 'windrun': '0.13411199999999998', 'windSpeed':
> '0.44704'
> 2024-10-26 17:55:02 weewxd[1]: INFO weewx.engine: Starting main packet
> loop.
> Without the data service (I commented out the entire 'data_services' line
> in the configuration above):
> REC: 2024-10-26 18:00:00 CEST (1729958400) 'altimeter':
> '1016.3868998672192', 'appTemp': '16.132600646010406', 'barometer':
> '1015.9841754081338', 'cloudbase': '397.1955242260177',
> 'consBatteryVoltage': '3.86', 'dateTime': '1729958400', 'dayET': '0.004',
> 'dayRain': '47.39999971086', 'dewpoint': '14.04132126433811', 'ET': '0.0',
> 'extraAlarm1': '0.0', 'extraAlarm2': '0.0', 'extraAlarm3': '0.0',
> 'extraAlarm4': '0.0', 'extraAlarm5': '0.0', 'extraAlarm6': '0.0',
> 'extraAlarm7': '0.0', 'extraAlarm8': '0.0', 'forecastIcon': '6.0',
> 'forecastRule': '44', 'heatindex': '15.167222222222223', 'highOutTemp':
> '15.166666666666664', 'highRadiation': '0.0', 'humidex':
> '18.562786577632735', 'inDewpoint': '16.319400135449317', 'inHumidity':
> '54.0', 'insideAlarm': '0.0', 'inTemp': '26.38888888888889', 'interval':
> '5', 'lowOutTemp': '15.111111111111112', 'maxSolarRad':
> '10.014834789005617', 'monthET': '1.11', 'monthRain': '330.19999798578',
> 'outHumidity': '93.0', 'outsideAlarm1': '0.0', 'outsideAlarm2': '0.0',
> 'outTemp': '15.166666666666664', 'pressure': '985.3744721896454',
> 'radiation': '0.0', 'rain': '0.0', 'rainAlarm': '0.0', 'rainRate': '0.0',
> 'rxCheckPercent': '99.9375', 'soilLeafAlarm1': '0.0', 'soilLeafAlarm2':
> '0.0', 'soilLeafAlarm3': '0.0', 'soilLeafAlarm4': '0.0', 'stormRain':
> '51.59999968523999', 'stormStart': '1729807200.0', 'sunrise':
> '1729922230.2439024', 'sunset': '1729960260.0', 'txBatteryStatus': '0',
> 'usUnits': '17', 'wind_samples': '117.0', 'windchill':
> '15.166666666666664', 'windDir': '270.0', 'windGust': '1.34112',
> 'windGustDir': '270.0', 'windrun': '0.13411199999999998', 'windSpeed':
> '0.44704', 'windSpeed10': '0.44704', 'yearET': '26.23', 'yearRain':
> '1369.999991643'
> When the data service is not enable, the record contains a lot more
> information. From what I have seen, it appears that this information is
> added to what the Vantage is producing. It looks like enabling a data
> service causes this step to be skipped.
> Any clues on how I can investigate this further?
> Thanks!
> --
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