
I just upgraded to 5.1.0, and took this opportunity to do some maintenance 
on my station. This is when I noticed that my REC packets are missing some 
data. As a result, my database is not populated with all the values I am 
In particular, consBatteryVoltage and txBatteryStatus are missing from the 
REC packets.

I have a data service, that is adding info from a second station to the 
packet, as described here:

When I disable it, I am getting values for consBatteryVoltage and 
txBatteryStatus. So, I must be doing something wrong. But all my code 
should be doing, really, is to add to the record.
I tried to print the record I am getting with 'event.record', and it 
doesn't contain the information either. This is what I get:

2024-10-20 19:35:16 weewxd[1]: INFO user.ws3000DataService: initial 
data:{'dateTime': 1729445700, 'usUnits': 1, 'interval': 5, 
'rxCheckPercent': 99.9375, 'outTemp': 65.1, 'highOutTemp': 65.4, 
'lowOutTemp': 65.1, 'rain': 0.0, 'rainRate': 0.0, 'barometer': 30.196, 
'radiation': 0.0, 'wind_samples': 117.0, 'inTemp': 86.4, 'inHumidity': 
52.0, 'outHumidity': 79.0, 'windSpeed': 1.0, 'windGust': 4.0, 
'windGustDir': 337.5, 'windDir': 337.5, 'ET': 0.0, 'highRadiation': 0.0, 
'forecastRule': 1}

So I am wondering: does using a custom data service 'stops' a subsequent 
process from happening and from adding the missing information to the REC 
(missing values sound like they are computed by weewx, like alarms, 
dayRain, yearRain, etc.)?


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