Many many thanks - I will take a look 9when I get a free moment)

On Thursday 3 October 2024 at 16:00:48 UTC+1 Dan Roman wrote:

> Hi John,
> I never did quite figure this out so that it works like I expect it to.  I 
> have tried it using the Seasons and Belchertown skins with slightly 
> different results using what I thought were the same methods.  I'll share 
> all my settings with you, it doesn't work exactly as I had hoped, and I 
> have not gone back in to debug it all in quite a while.  If you want to 
> take a look at what I did, maybe you'll find where I went wrong.  I think I 
> need to add some calculations to add things like lightning strikes in the 
> last 3 hours, etc.
> For lightning, my graphs seem to work in Seasons but not the current 
> conditions.  In Belchertown the current observations for lightning don't 
> appear to work but the graphs are almost there.  The Belchertown graph 
> lightning count looks like it works but I would like them to report the 
> minimum distance and I'm not sure that is what I am getting.
> Before I get into my particular settings, this guy 
> seems to have figured it out. I 
> contacted him to see if he would share his Belchertown skin config file but 
> he didn't answer me and I have not been able to reverse engineer it.  As 
> you can see from his page, he has a section for lightning that includes 
> Time since last lightning strike, Strikes the last 3 hours, Strikes the 
> last hour,  Distance last strike, and Range of last strike.  I would like 
> to figure out how to replicate this.
> Here are my settings for the tempest sensor map in the weewx config file:
>     [[sensor_map]]
>         # This section is for handling data for the Tempest Weather Station
>         outTemp = air_temperature.ST-########.obs_st
>         outHumidity = relative_humidity.ST- ######## .obs_st
>         pressure = station_pressure.ST- ######## .obs_st
>         lightning_strikes = lightning_strike_count.ST- ######## .obs_st
>         avg_distance = lightning_strike_avg_distance.ST- ########.obs_st
>         outTempBatteryStatus = battery.ST- ########.obs_st
>         windSpeed = wind_speed.ST- ########.rapid_wind
>         windDir = wind_direction.ST- ########.rapid_wind
>         luminosity = illuminance.ST- ########.obs_st
>         UV = uv.ST- ########.obs_st
>         rain = rain_accumulated.ST- ########.obs_st
>         radiation = solar_radiation.ST- ########.obs_st
>         lightning_distance = distance.ST- ########.evt_strike
>         lightning_strike_count = lightning_strike_count.ST- ########.obs_st
> And also from weewx.conf, the Belchertown observation list:
>             station_observations = barometer, dewpoint, outHumidity, 
> rainWithRainRate, UV, cloud_cover, outTempBatteryStatus, 
> lightning_strike_count, lightning_distance
> NOTE:  I removed avg_distance and lightning_strikes from the sample I had 
> because they displayed Invalid Observation.
> And again from weewx.conf:
> [StdCalibrate]
>     [[Corrections]]
>         lightning_distance = lightning_distance if lightning_strike_count 
> > 0 else None
> and
> [Accumulator]
>     [[lightning_strikes]]
>         extractor = sum
>     [[lightning_distance]]
>         extractor = min
>     [[avg_distance]]
>         extractor = avg
> Here are some lightning entries for the Seasons skin:
> From skin.conf:
> [DisplayOptions]
>     # This list determines which types will appear in the "current 
> conditions"
>     # section, as well as in which order.
>     observations_current = outTemp, heatindex, windchill, dewpoint, 
> outHumidity, barometer, windSpeed, rain, rainRate, UV, radiation, 
> lightning_strikes, lightning_distance, lightning_strike_count, avg_distance
>     # This list determines which types will appear in the "statistics" and
>     # "statistical summary" sections, as well as in which order.
>     observations_stats = outTemp, heatindex, windchill, dewpoint, 
> outHumidity, barometer, windSpeed, rain, rainRate, ET, UV, radiation, 
> lightning_strikes, lightning_distance, aqi, outTempBatteryStatus
>     # Some observations display a sum rather than min/max values
>     obs_type_sum = rain, ET, hail, snow, lightning_strikes
>     # Some observations display only the max or min value
>     obs_type_max = rainRate, hailRate, snowRate, UV
>     obs_type_min = lightning_distance
>     plot_groups = barometer, tempdew, tempfeel, hum, wind, winddir, 
> windvec, rain, ET, UV, radiation, lightning, lightningdistance, volt, hilow
>     [[day_images]]
>         x_label_format = %H:%M
>         bottom_label_format = %x %X
>         time_length = 97200 # 27 hours
>          [[[daylightning]]]
>             yscale = None, None, 1
>             plot_type = bar
>             [[[[lightning_strike_count]]]]
>                 aggregate_type = sum
>                 aggregate_interval = hour
>                 label = Lightning (hourly total)
>         [[[daylightningdistance]]]
>             yscale = 0, 25, 5
>             line_type = None
>             marker_type = box
>             marker_size = 2
> #            plot_type = bar
>             [[[[lightning_distance]]]]
> #                aggregate_type = min
> #                aggregate_interval = hour
>                 label = Lightning Distance
> Here are some lightning entries for the Belchertown skin:
> From graph.conf:
>     [[lightning]]
>         title = Lightning
>         [[[lightning_strike_count]]]
>             name = Count
>             yAxis = 0
>             yAxis_min = 0
> #            yAxis_tickInterval = 25
>             yAxis_label = "Number of Strikes"
>             type = column
>         [[[lightning_distance]]]
>             name = Distance
>             yAxis = 1
>             yAxis_min = 0
>             yAxis_tickInterval = 5
>             yAxis_label = "Distance (miles)"
>             lineWidth = 0
>             [[[[marker]]]]
>                 enabled = true
>                 radius = 3
> For all the graphs I only included the day version and not week, month, 
> year as they are basically all the same.
> Good luck and let me know if you have any suggestions!
> Dan
> On Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 10:42:01 AM UTC-4 
> wrote:
>> In general, you have to configure the skin of your choice to display 
>> lightning events. But, displaying lightning strikes are is a bit different 
>> from other observations, since they are discrete events and not continuous. 
>> You can e.g. show count per interval, distance, or both combined. Either 
>> way, you need to configure your skin as desired, since the skins I know of, 
>> don't display these observations out of the box.
>> John Jacklin schrieb am Mittwoch, 2. Oktober 2024 um 14:39:48 UTC+2:
>>> Just got back into WeeWX again after freeing up a Raspberry Pi.
>>> I have the Tempest WeatherFlow device and using the river from here
>>> I have it set up and tweaked to my liking here
>>> For the life of me I can't get it to show lightning strikes (It is set 
>>> up to show strikes on the app)
>>> Here are my settings (with MY-ID being my station ST ID)
>>> [WeatherFlowUDP]
>>>     driver = user.weatherflowudp
>>>     log_raw_packets = False
>>>     udp_address = <broadcast>
>>>     # udp_address =
>>>     # udp_address =
>>>     udp_port = 50222
>>>     udp_timeout = 90
>>>     share_socket = False
>>>     #
>>>     # IMPORTANT - please edit in 'your' sensor ID below
>>>     #             (the value 'ST-00000025' here is an example only)
>>>     #
>>>     [[sensor_map]]
>>>         outTemp = air_temperature.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>>         outHumidity = relative_humidity.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>>         pressure = station_pressure.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>>         lightning_strikes = lightning_strike_count.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>>         avg_distance = lightning_strike_avg_distance.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>>         outTempBatteryStatus = battery.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>>         windSpeed = wind_speed.ST-MY-ID.rapid_wind
>>>         windDir = wind_direction.ST-MY-ID.rapid_wind
>>>         luxXXX = illuminance.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>>         UV = uv.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>>         rain = rain_accumulated.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>>         windBatteryStatus = battery.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>>         radiation = solar_radiation.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>>         rxCheckPercent = rssi.ST-MY-ID.device_status

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