Hi John,

I never did quite figure this out so that it works like I expect it to.  I 
have tried it using the Seasons and Belchertown skins with slightly 
different results using what I thought were the same methods.  I'll share 
all my settings with you, it doesn't work exactly as I had hoped, and I 
have not gone back in to debug it all in quite a while.  If you want to 
take a look at what I did, maybe you'll find where I went wrong.  I think I 
need to add some calculations to add things like lightning strikes in the 
last 3 hours, etc.

For lightning, my graphs seem to work in Seasons but not the current 
conditions.  In Belchertown the current observations for lightning don't 
appear to work but the graphs are almost there.  The Belchertown graph 
lightning count looks like it works but I would like them to report the 
minimum distance and I'm not sure that is what I am getting.

Before I get into my particular settings, this guy 
https://weather.sangrephotography.com/ seems to have figured it out. I 
contacted him to see if he would share his Belchertown skin config file but 
he didn't answer me and I have not been able to reverse engineer it.  As 
you can see from his page, he has a section for lightning that includes 
Time since last lightning strike, Strikes the last 3 hours, Strikes the 
last hour,  Distance last strike, and Range of last strike.  I would like 
to figure out how to replicate this.

Here are my settings for the tempest sensor map in the weewx config file:

        # This section is for handling data for the Tempest Weather Station
        outTemp = air_temperature.ST-########.obs_st
        outHumidity = relative_humidity.ST- ######## .obs_st
        pressure = station_pressure.ST- ######## .obs_st
        lightning_strikes = lightning_strike_count.ST- ######## .obs_st
        avg_distance = lightning_strike_avg_distance.ST- ########.obs_st
        outTempBatteryStatus = battery.ST- ########.obs_st
        windSpeed = wind_speed.ST- ########.rapid_wind
        windDir = wind_direction.ST- ########.rapid_wind
        luminosity = illuminance.ST- ########.obs_st
        UV = uv.ST- ########.obs_st
        rain = rain_accumulated.ST- ########.obs_st
        radiation = solar_radiation.ST- ########.obs_st
        lightning_distance = distance.ST- ########.evt_strike
        lightning_strike_count = lightning_strike_count.ST- ########.obs_st

And also from weewx.conf, the Belchertown observation list:

            station_observations = barometer, dewpoint, outHumidity, 
rainWithRainRate, UV, cloud_cover, outTempBatteryStatus, 
lightning_strike_count, lightning_distance

NOTE:  I removed avg_distance and lightning_strikes from the sample I had 
because they displayed Invalid Observation.

And again from weewx.conf:

        lightning_distance = lightning_distance if lightning_strike_count > 
0 else None


        extractor = sum
        extractor = min
        extractor = avg

Here are some lightning entries for the Seasons skin:

>From skin.conf:


    # This list determines which types will appear in the "current 
    # section, as well as in which order.
    observations_current = outTemp, heatindex, windchill, dewpoint, 
outHumidity, barometer, windSpeed, rain, rainRate, UV, radiation, 
lightning_strikes, lightning_distance, lightning_strike_count, avg_distance

    # This list determines which types will appear in the "statistics" and
    # "statistical summary" sections, as well as in which order.
    observations_stats = outTemp, heatindex, windchill, dewpoint, 
outHumidity, barometer, windSpeed, rain, rainRate, ET, UV, radiation, 
lightning_strikes, lightning_distance, aqi, outTempBatteryStatus

    # Some observations display a sum rather than min/max values
    obs_type_sum = rain, ET, hail, snow, lightning_strikes

    # Some observations display only the max or min value
    obs_type_max = rainRate, hailRate, snowRate, UV
    obs_type_min = lightning_distance

    plot_groups = barometer, tempdew, tempfeel, hum, wind, winddir, 
windvec, rain, ET, UV, radiation, lightning, lightningdistance, volt, hilow

        x_label_format = %H:%M
        bottom_label_format = %x %X
        time_length = 97200 # 27 hours

            yscale = None, None, 1
            plot_type = bar
                aggregate_type = sum
                aggregate_interval = hour
                label = Lightning (hourly total)

            yscale = 0, 25, 5
            line_type = None
            marker_type = box
            marker_size = 2
#            plot_type = bar
#                aggregate_type = min
#                aggregate_interval = hour
                label = Lightning Distance
Here are some lightning entries for the Belchertown skin:

>From graph.conf:

        title = Lightning
            name = Count
            yAxis = 0
            yAxis_min = 0
#            yAxis_tickInterval = 25
            yAxis_label = "Number of Strikes"
            type = column
            name = Distance
            yAxis = 1
            yAxis_min = 0
            yAxis_tickInterval = 5
            yAxis_label = "Distance (miles)"
            lineWidth = 0
                enabled = true
                radius = 3

For all the graphs I only included the day version and not week, month, 
year as they are basically all the same.

Good luck and let me know if you have any suggestions!


On Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 10:42:01 AM UTC-4 michael.k...@gmx.at 

> In general, you have to configure the skin of your choice to display 
> lightning events. But, displaying lightning strikes are is a bit different 
> from other observations, since they are discrete events and not continuous. 
> You can e.g. show count per interval, distance, or both combined. Either 
> way, you need to configure your skin as desired, since the skins I know of, 
> don't display these observations out of the box.
> John Jacklin schrieb am Mittwoch, 2. Oktober 2024 um 14:39:48 UTC+2:
>> Just got back into WeeWX again after freeing up a Raspberry Pi.
>> I have the Tempest WeatherFlow device and using the river from here
>> https://github.com/captain-coredump/weatherflow-udp?tab=readme-ov-file
>> I have it set up and tweaked to my liking here
>> https://wx-watch.co.uk/weewx/
>> For the life of me I can't get it to show lightning strikes (It is set up 
>> to show strikes on the app)
>> Here are my settings (with MY-ID being my station ST ID)
>> [WeatherFlowUDP]
>>     driver = user.weatherflowudp
>>     log_raw_packets = False
>>     udp_address = <broadcast>
>>     # udp_address =
>>     # udp_address =
>>     udp_port = 50222
>>     udp_timeout = 90
>>     share_socket = False
>>     #
>>     # IMPORTANT - please edit in 'your' sensor ID below
>>     #             (the value 'ST-00000025' here is an example only)
>>     #
>>     [[sensor_map]]
>>         outTemp = air_temperature.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>         outHumidity = relative_humidity.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>         pressure = station_pressure.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>         lightning_strikes = lightning_strike_count.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>         avg_distance = lightning_strike_avg_distance.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>         outTempBatteryStatus = battery.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>         windSpeed = wind_speed.ST-MY-ID.rapid_wind
>>         windDir = wind_direction.ST-MY-ID.rapid_wind
>>         luxXXX = illuminance.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>         UV = uv.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>         rain = rain_accumulated.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>         windBatteryStatus = battery.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>         radiation = solar_radiation.ST-MY-ID.obs_st
>>         rxCheckPercent = rssi.ST-MY-ID.device_status

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