Hey Michael,

thanks for the input. The StdCalibrate/Corrections formula I posted earlier 
works as expected, so I won't install the extra extension if not absolutely 
required. Good to know that is exists though!

You have a valid point about operational range of the BME sensor versus 
SHT3x devices. 

Now I know that I have a working setup to substitute the faulty readings of 
the Vantage Vue (which is also a Sensirion but with the older bus format 
Sensirion used to have on their first line of RH sensors) it is only a 
matter of replacing the I2C sensor on the luftdaten hardware. Ordered and 
I'll replace the sensor when the SHT31 breakout board arrives.

Best regards,

Op woensdag 8 mei 2024 om 18:50:31 UTC+2 schreef michael.k...@gmx.at:

> Ahh.. and I forgot: the BME280 is not suitable, take a look in the 
> datasheet, it is not designed for use in condensing environments, and it 
> really sucks in such conditions. Go for a Sensirion SHTxx.
> michael.k...@gmx.at schrieb am Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2024 um 18:47:36 UTC+2:
>> This might work in StdCalibrate/Corrections (not tested):
>> outHumidity = extraHumid1 if extraHumid1 is not None 
>> and 'outHumidity' not in locals() else None
>> michael.k...@gmx.at schrieb am Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2024 um 18:38:58 UTC+2:
>>> You can map the value to extrahumid1 and use this (hacky) extension:
>>> https://github.com/mKainzbauer/weewx_extensions/blob/master/usePreferred.py
>>> and put this in your weewx.conf:
>>> [UsePreferred]
>>>     outHumidity = extraHumid1
>>> Tom Keffer schrieb am Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2024 um 16:07:09 UTC+2:
>>>> On Wed, May 8, 2024 at 1:28 AM Lieven Hollevoet <lieven.h...@gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I did find back this thread: 
>>>>> https://www.mail-archive.com/weewx...@googlegroups.com/msg47494.html 
>>>>> <https://www.mail-archive.com/weewx-user@googlegroups.com/msg47494.html> 
>>>>> where I extracted the following correction formula:
>>>>> outHumidity = extraHumid1 if 'extraHumid1' in locals() else None
>>>> Of course! Totally forgot about that solution!

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