Seems "permissions" were indeed the issue? Found this in the journal ...

ay 06 22:57:01 WeeWX weewxd[3570]: INFO weewx.restx: AWEKAS: Published 
record 2024-05-06 22:55:00 UTC (1715036100)
May 06 22:57:00 WeeWX weewxd[3570]: INFO weewx.reportengine: Copied 0 files 
to /var/www/html/
May 06 22:57:00 WeeWX weewxd[3570]: INFO weewx.imagegenerator: Generated 0 
images for report StandardReport in 0.04 seconds
May 06 22:57:00 WeeWX weewxd[3570]: ERROR weewx.imagegenerator: Unable to 
save to file '/var/www/html/dayuv.png' [Errno 13] Permiss>
May 06 22:57:00 WeeWX weewxd[3570]: ERROR weewx.imagegenerator: Unable to 
save to file '/var/www/html/dayradiation.png' [Errno 13] >
May 06 22:57:00 WeeWX weewxd[3570]: ERROR weewx.imagegenerator: Unable to 
save to file '/var/www/html/daywindvec.png' [Errno 13] Pe>
May 06 22:57:00 WeeWX weewxd[3570]: ERROR weewx.imagegenerator: Unable to 
save to file '/var/www/html/daywinddir.png' [Errno 13] Pe>
May 06 22:57:00 WeeWX weewxd[3570]: ERROR weewx.imagegenerator: Unable to 
save to file '/var/www/html/dayinside.png' [Errno 13] Per>
May 06 22:57:00 WeeWX weewxd[3570]: ERROR weewx.imagegenerator: Unable to 
save to file '/var/www/html/daywind.png' [Errno 13] Permi>
May 06 22:57:00 WeeWX weewxd[3570]: ERROR weewx.imagegenerator: Unable to 
save to file '/var/www/html/dayrx.png' [Errno 13] Permiss>
May 06 22:57:00 WeeWX weewxd[3570]: ERROR weewx.imagegenerator: Unable to 
save to file '/var/www/html/dayrain.png' [Errno 13] Permi>
May 06 22:57:00 WeeWX weewxd[3570]: ERROR weewx.imagegenerator: Unable to 
save to file '/var/www/html/dayhumidity.png' [Errno 13] P>
May 06 22:57:00 WeeWX weewxd[3570]: ERROR weewx.imagegenerator: Unable to 
save to file '/var/www/html/daytempchill.png' [Errno 13] >
May 06 22:57:00 WeeWX weewxd[3570]: ERROR weewx.imagegenerator: Unable to 
save to file '/var/www/html/daytempdew.png' [Errno 13] Pe>
May 06 22:57:00 WeeWX weewxd[3570]: ERROR weewx.imagegenerator: Unable to 
save to file '/var/www/html/daybarometer.png' [Errno 13] >
May 06 22:57:00 WeeWX weewxd[3570]: PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission 
denied: '/var/www/html/NOAA/NOAA-2024-05.txt.tmp'
May 06 22:57:00 WeeWX weewxd[3570]:          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
May 06 22:57:00 WeeWX weewxd[3570]:     with open(tmpname, mode='wb') as fd:
May 06 22:57:00 WeeWX weewxd[3570]:   File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 371, in generate

But yet not in there in the console. I guess something changed in versions 
with the user? 

On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 6:41:42 PM UTC-4 G7LTT wrote:

> And that's one of the issues. No logs are being written. /var/log/syslog 
> has nothing and neither does/var/log/weewx/weexd.log. The debug=1 setting 
> is set.
> This was working just fine under V4 so I can't believe its to do with 
> things like perms.
> "running a somewhat unusual setup"? I assume you have no other users 
> runing weewx in a container? Makes total sense to do it that way when you 
> think about it. Even on an RPi. Why waste a whole machine on such a trivial 
> task?
> I'll take another swing at it. see if I can't get some logging going.
> Mark
> On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 4:53:16 PM UTC-4 vince wrote:
>> We can't read minds.   Need to see actual logs with debug=1 set in 
>> weewx.conf and ideally your weewx.conf file as well.
>> The usual error tends to be permissions accessing the hardware or the 
>> network itself.   Considering you're running a somewhat unusual setup you 
>> might want to provide a way for folks to try to look at what you might be 
>> missing within your container image.
>> On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 12:39:03 PM UTC-7 G7LTT wrote:
>>> So I upgraded to V5.0.4 from 4.whatever and it looked like everything 
>>> went ok. But then about an hour later I noticed that the web pages were not 
>>> being updated.  Off to the logs I go - nothing in the logs.
>>> Hmmnnn. OK, time to run it manually at the command line to see if it 
>>> spews anything out. Nope, works perfectly. I can leave "weewxd" running for 
>>> hours without any error. And the pages get updated/uploaded etc etc etc. 
>>> What gives?
>>> I am running Weewx in an LXC container on Proxmox in my homelab system. 
>>> I have the Ambient WS2000 API installed (rather than talk to the station it 
>>> collects the station data from Ambient themselves). 
>>> V4 was running as expected in daemon mode. It would survive a 
>>> reboot/restart of the machine and the container. V5? Not so much. But there 
>>> are no entries in the log files for it which is making me suspicious.
>>> Any ideas?

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