I have added initial multi-db support and now I am working on your suggestion. It should be ready in a couple of hours. I will let you know.
-rif sâmbătă, 15 septembrie 2012, 02:33:49 UTC+3, rochacbruno a scris: > > @rif I have some suggestion > > Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/3t2kv.png > > For the suggested [fields] buttom it can be done with a modal or popup, it > can loads a <table style="display:none;" id="tablename_fields"> inside the > popup or modal, or if prefered it can retrieve this info via ajax. > > To retrieve the info is easy, > > for field in table.fields: > print name.name, name.type, name.length, name.comment, name.label, > name.compute, name.represent, name.requires, name.required, name.unique, > name.readable, name.writable > *first_name string 128 None First name None None > <gluon.validators.IS_NOT_EMPTY object at 0x1f05210> False False True True* > > So that info will be very important for developers and admins, also the > buttom can show up only if admin is logged in. > > Let me know if you need some help, I am using this and I really think it > can be a replacement for appadmin. > --