This might be more of a SQL design question, but if web2py handles one 
better than another, that would be good to know.

Suppose I have three 'parent' records ((P1, P2, and P3), and I want to link 
P1 records with P3 records, and also P2 records with P3 records. Several 

Option 1: obvious: one linking table per relationship
   Field('P1', db.P1), Field('P3', db.P3))
   Field('P2', db.P2), Field('P3', db.P3))

Option 2: one linking table for all relationships; each record still links 
one record (P1 or P2) with one P3 record
   Field('P1', db.P1),
   Field('P2', db.P2),
   Field('P3', db.P3))

Option 3: overload linking field and use a 'type'; each record still links 
one record (P1 or P2) with one P3 record
   Field('Table_type', 'string', IS_IN_SET(['P1', 'P2'])),
   Field('Table_key', 'integer'), # will be or
   Field('P3', db.P3))

Using Option 2 I would relate a P1 to a P3 by populating the P1_P2_P3.P1 
and P1_P2_P3.P3 fields, setting P1_P2_P3.P2 to NULL. I would relate a P2 to 
a P3 by populating the P1_P2_P3.P2 and P1_P2_P3.P3 fields, 
setting P1_P2_P3.P1 to NULL. This assumes the underlying db allows null 
fields for foreign keys.

Using Option 3 I would relate a P1 to a P3 by setting Table_type to 'P1', 
then setting P1_P2_P3.Table_key to No constraints can be set on this 
table using this option. This also assumes that the key field of the 
underlying db is integer.

If it were just two tables (P1 and P2) relating to P3 then Option 1 makes 
sense. I actually have P1 through P5 relating to P6. I suspect, though, 
that Option 1 is still the best, and that the others are "penny wise, pound 
foolish" in trying to avoid defining the additional linking tables.

Thoughts? Thanks.


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