I think most of what I need is in ch. 3 about the DAL, but using this, I 
don't think there are any records with "manager" in them, so I am puzzled 
why I am locked out.  
python web2py.py -a 'your password' -i -p 8000  gets in without 

>>> myrecord = db(db.auth_group.id==0).select().first()
>>> print myrecord

>>> myrecord = db(db.auth_group.id==0).select().first()
>>> print myrecord
>>> myrecord = db(db.auth_membership.id==0).select().first()
>>> print myrecord

In any case, I had a backup of my app, so I can try again to add the 
manager group to a restored copy.

On Tuesday, September 11, 2012 3:53:56 PM UTC-5, greaneym wrote:
> Got farther but still stuck. I got locked out of the database and am 
> trying to get back in with "admin".
> cd to directory that contains "web2py.py"
> python web2py.py -S appname
> >>>
> >>> db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite', auto_import=True)
> >>> print db.tables
> ['auth_cas', 'auth_event', 'auth_group', 'auth_membership', 
> 'auth_permission', 'auth_user', 'plugin_google_checkout_message', 
> 'plugin_google_checkout_order', 'plugin_google_checkout_purchase', 
> 'product', 'sale']
> if you leave out "auto_import=True" you will see [] as the result of
> print db.tables.
> >>> print db.auth_cas.fields
> ['id', 'user_id', 'created_on', 'service', 'ticket', 'renew']
> print db.auth_membership.fields
> ['id', 'user_id', 'group_id']]
> I need help with the finding the rest.
> >>> rows = db(db.auth_membership.group_id).select()
> >>> print rows
> auth_membership.id,auth_membership.user_id,auth_membership.group_id
>  = db(db.auth_group).select()
> >>> print rows
> auth_group.id,auth_group.role,auth_group.description
> >>> rows = db(db.auth_group.role).select()
> >>> print rows
> auth_group.id,auth_group.role,auth_group.description
> How do I find out where the "manager" group is, and can/should I add 
> "admin"
> to it, and how is this done?
> thanks for any assistance.
> On Tuesday, September 11, 2012 10:32:47 AM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> I do not understand this line:
>> python web2py.py -S app -M -N -R applications/myapp -A
>> -R should specify a script, not an app
>> -A should be followed by command line arguments for the script but you do 
>> not have any
>> This is probably not the cause of your problem anyway.
>> On Tuesday, 11 September 2012 09:48:48 UTC-5, greaneym wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I'm testing the pos plugin and have it mostly set up, but I'm stuck. I 
>>> had commented all the auth statements and have now uncommented them, and 
>>> was adding the group called manager and before I could add members was 
>>> interrupted.  My session ended, and after that I could not use the admin 
>>> interface to access the database from appadmin.  So I'm now trying to add 
>>> members through the shell, but
>>> I'm getting an error:
>>> python web2py.py -S app -M -N -R applications/myapp -A 
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "web2py.py", line 16, in <module>
>>>     import gluon.widget
>>> ImportError: No module named gluon.widget
>>> I upgraded from version 1.99 to 2.06 and just added the web2py.app.
>>> Do I need something else? Or how can I modify the shell command please?
>>> thanks,
>>> Margaret


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