I do not understand this line: python web2py.py -S app -M -N -R applications/myapp -A
-R should specify a script, not an app -A should be followed by command line arguments for the script but you do not have any This is probably not the cause of your problem anyway. On Tuesday, 11 September 2012 09:48:48 UTC-5, greaneym wrote: > > Dear all, > > I'm testing the pos plugin and have it mostly set up, but I'm stuck. I had > commented all the auth statements and have now uncommented them, and was > adding the group called manager and before I could add members was > interrupted. My session ended, and after that I could not use the admin > interface to access the database from appadmin. So I'm now trying to add > members through the shell, but > I'm getting an error: > > python web2py.py -S app -M -N -R applications/myapp -A > Traceback (most recent call last): > File "web2py.py", line 16, in <module> > import gluon.widget > ImportError: No module named gluon.widget > > > I upgraded from version 1.99 to 2.06 and just added the web2py.app. > > Do I need something else? Or how can I modify the shell command please? > > thanks, > Margaret > > --