Hello, I would like to test the google_checkout_plugin and need some help, please. This are the names of the plugin I downloaded:
web2py.plugin.google_checkout.w2p and web2py.app.PosOnlineStore.w2p Does this first plugin provide the functionality (of what is described in the Google developer documentation) of the XML API, which requires a "digital signature" and has integration with the user's database? or does the plugin have functionality of the HTML API, with no dig.signature and which requires the user to login to an account on google checkout and look at what purchases have been made? I have a sandbox account and am trying to test but get errors. With the plugin installed and testing on the pos appliance/plugin, I am not able to get to the google checkout sandbox. Do I need some type of digital signature? Here is the button info that I think google wants people to use: Here are the contents of my pos/default/index.html file, where I have substituted numbers necessary. <--pos index info-snip---> <img src="{{=URL('plugin_google_checkout','button', vars=dict(next='https://checkout.google.com/buttons/buy.gif?merchant_id=digits_of_mysandbox_acctnumber&w=117&h=48&style=white&variant=text&loc=en_US'))}}" /> <form method="POST" action="https://sandbox.google.com/checkout/api/checkout/v2/checkout/Merchant/mysandboxacctnumber"> <input type="hidden" name="cart" value="stringnameofmycart"> <input type="hidden" name="signature" value="REPLACE_WITH_SIGNATURE"> <!-- Button code --> <input type="image" name="Google Checkout" alt="Fast checkout through Google" src="http://sandbox.google.com/checkout/buttons/checkout.gif?merchant_id=mysandboxdigitsacctnumber&w=180&h=46&style=white&variant=text&loc=en_US" height="46" width="180"> </form> I do not see the image of the button, but I see the text "google fast checkout" and when I click on that I got a 503 error. I've made sure that any long lines are continuous and not interrupted by spaces or carriage returns. I appreciate any help. Thank you, Margaret --