Hi Alan, I did test this script at a clean Centos 6, and the result is: 502 
Bad Gateway

El viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012 20:23:21 UTC-3, Alan Etkin escribió:
> Updated the script to:
> - Write port 443 admin password
> - Create welcome.w2p package (for solving admin create app feature error)
> - Patch Python2.7.3 code for sqlite3 issue before installing
> It was tested with a clean CentOS 5.8 vbox and is working. Needs 
> improvement: it stops a few times for user confirmation
> El jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012 13:16:18 UTC-3, peter escribió:
>> Someone else has provided a script for centos 6. There are plenty of 
>> webservers out there based on centos 5 I believe because of its stability. 
>> So it is useful to have a script for Centos 5. Particularly as this seems 
>> to be the most tricky Linux for web2py because it uses and needs python 2.4
>> Massimo: it depends how long Alan will take to come up with a tested 
>> script for python 2.7. A working python2.6 script is better than an almost 
>> working 2.7 one.
>> Peter
>> On Thursday, 2 August 2012 15:22:27 UTC+1, Alan Etkin wrote:
>>> > The script I attached in my previous email is your script but with 
>>> python set to be 2.6. I tested this and it works.
>>> My concern is that 2.7 is said to be the last supported 2.x version of 
>>> Python. I agree that testing in a raw install saves time and all kinds of 
>>> issues. I will deploy in a virtual machine and debug the script so I can 
>>> come back with a working one.
>>> Shouldn't we provide the working script for the lastest CentOS 
>>> distribution (which I supposse is not what we are using), instead of basing 
>>> in a previous one?


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