
In my application I have a form with (among other data), the following two 

   - channel: a set with three possible values: "voicemail", "sipaddress" 
   or "phone".
   - destination: a string, the meaningf of which depends on the value of 

I have the problem that I attach a validation rule ("require") to the 
destination field, because the validation rule depends on the value of 

What I would like to do is to leave the validation rule of the destination 
empty, and then do a manual validation, depending on the value of "channel".
The rest of the fields would be validated as usual, with form.process(), 
but the destination would be validated manually.

Something like this:

if form.process().accepted:
    if request.var.channel == 'voicemail': validate requests.var.destination 
as a mail address.
    elif request.var.channel == 'sipaddress' validate requests.var.destination 
as a sip address.
    elfi request.var.channel == 'phone' validate requests.var.destination asa 
telephone number

I have two questions:

   - has web2py suppot for validation of telephone numbers and sip 
   - how can I manually apply validation rules, so that I can apply complex 
   algorithms as the one described while validating?



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