Oops, had meant to reply to him off list, sorry everyone.
On Sep 1, 2012 3:51 PM, wrote:

> I'm replying off list.
> Your questions in this thread are more about general web architecture and
> scalability issues than being specific questions about whether web2py is
> suitable for your project.
> If availability and scalability are your only true concerns, I'd -highly-
> recommend using web2py on Google App Engine, which will handle all of the
> scalability and scalability for you automatically.
> On Sep 1, 2012 9:50 AM, "Webtechie" <webtechie...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I would like to use web2py for a web application which has large
>> databases (really large) , expects high volume of traffic . Are there any
>> ways to make web2py apps run faster ? (like really faster ) , (looking for
>> solutions apart from pooling more hardware and replacing Cpython wth pypy ,
>> running on a non-blocking server like tornado ) . How can i optimise web2py
>> for my needs ? are web2py applications scalable ?
>> --


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